Foreign Trade Indices, November 2012

 The overall import unit value index decreased by 3%

In November 2012, according to foreign trade indices, with the 2003 base year, produced by the provisional foreign trade data, compared to the corresponding month of the preceding year, the overall export unit value and import unit value indices decreased by 1.7%, 3%, respectively.

In the same month, compared to November 2011, while the export unit value index for agriculture and forestry, fishing, manufacturing decreased by 8%, 7.3%, 1.4% respectively, the export unit value index for mining, increased by 1.7%.

In November 2012, the import unit value index for agriculture and forestry, mining and manufacturing decreased by 12.9%, 3.5%, 1.3%, respectively, as compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year.

In November 2012, the overall export volume index and the import volume indices increased by %26.9, 16%, respectively, compared to the corresponding month of the preceding year.

Calendar adjusted the overall export volume index and the overall import volume index increased by 13.7%, 8.6%, compared to the corresponding month of the preceding year. While Calendar and seasonally adjusted export volume index decreased by %4.8, import volume index increased by 4,9%, compared to previous month.

In the same month, by the corresponding month of the preceding year, while the export volume index for agriculture and forestry, mining and manufacturing increased by 14.9%, 30.3%, 27.8%, respectively, export volume index for fishing decreased by 15.8%.

In November 2012, the import volume index for agriculture and forestry, mining and manufacturing increased by 43.5%, 5.7%, 18.5%, respectively, as compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year.

Change in Foreign Trade Indices

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