Syniverse has been granted a U.S. patent for technology powering a flexible charging platform - a cloud-based solution that enables service providers to implement scalable charging models for mobile data, such as sponsored content. For example, sponsors can deliver content from multiple mobile service providers from one centralized platform to deliver specific content to mobile consumers for no charge on the end-user's bill.

"With the growth of rich video content, streaming services, and other data-intensive apps, the demand for mobile service providers to offer flexible charging is growing quickly, especially as unlimited data packages have become less prevalent," said Joe DiFonzo, Chief Technology Officer, Syniverse. "Today's mobile consumers are eager for fresh content, but they're also very focused on not exceeding their metered data plans."

Supporting a variety of potential use cases, from an ad-supported model to enterprise applications, Syniverse's approach will provide sponsors access to mobile user segments based on campaign needs. Prior to launch, Syniverse provisions the parameters of the campaign, which could be as precise as reaching certain age or gender demographics in a given location or as broad as all end users across multiple service providers' subscriber bases.

From there, the campaign is seamlessly pushed directly to the end user, with the user able to download, stream or interact with new content for minimal or no cost. Continuing its role as a neutral intermediary, Syniverse clears and settles the transactions from the campaign, ensuring that the service provider is compensated for the data usage.

Syniverse's solution will mutually benefit sponsors, service providers and their shared end users. Via a single portal, Syniverse's patented platform will boost brand exposure for data sponsors, who could range from media companies to device manufacturers to social media outfits and more. Syniverse serves as an intermediary between a global range of mobile service providers and brands to ensure the largest addressable market.

While the end user saves money by using sponsored data, the service provider fosters new revenue streams from consumers and sponsors, builds brand equity, aligns costs and revenues with services consumed, and minimizes OPEX costs.

"With flexible charging capabilities for mobile data, the sponsor receives unmatched access; the service provider is able to build brand loyalty; and the consumer receives relevant content for minimal or no cost," DiFonzo said. "The key is to provide flexibility, both in how the end-user traffic is filtered through the service provider, and how the sponsor can use the solution to meet its unique needs."

About Syniverse

Syniverse makes mobile work for the entire mobile ecosystem, including more than 1,500 mobile service providers, enterprises, ISPs and app providers in nearly 200 countries and territories. We deliver innovative cloud-based solutions that ensure superior end-user experiences through always-on services and real-time engagement. For more than 25 years, Syniverse has been simplifying complexity to deliver the promise of mobility - a simple, interoperable experience, anytime, anywhere. For more information, visit, follow Syniverse on Twitter or connect with Syniverse on Facebook.

Syniverse Public Relations
Bobby Eagle, +1 813-637-5050