PRESS RELEASE: 10.433-009/13

Average annual inflation rate of consumer prices decreased to 2.4 % (HICP: 2.6%) in 2012

V i e n n a , 2013-01-16 - In 2012, the average annual inflation rate of the consumer price index measured by Statistics Austria was 2.4%.The average annual rate was lower than in 2011 (3.3%) but higher than in 2010 (1.9%). At the beginning of 2012, price inflation still stood at about 2.8%. Over the year, the price rise decreased to 2.1% during the summer months and went back to 2.8% from October onwards. Throughout 2012, the inflation rate was dominated by housing, mineral oil products and increasing food prices.
The average annual inflation rate in terms of the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices was 2.6% in the year 2012 and thus well below 2011 (3.6%).
For more detailed information please refer to German version

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