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Sales of fruits and vegetables by Canadian farmers reached $1.7 billion in 2012, up 9.2% from 2011.

Fruit sales increased 13.1% to $872 million, while vegetable sales rose 5.4% to $847 million.

The largest contributors to vegetable sales were carrots with $92.5 million in sales, tomatoes ($81.6 million), sweet corn ($72 million) and cabbage ($62.5 million). Total vegetable area fell 1.9% in 2012 to 100 558 hectares.

Among fruits, sales of cranberries rose 42.7%, and sales of blueberries were up 21.9%, mostly as a result of increased production.

Production declined substantially for some fruits, in particular apples (-31.6%) and peaches (-3.7%). This was partially a result of unseasonable spring weather conditions that affected pollination in Eastern Canada.

Farmers in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia accounted for more than 88% of vegetable and fruit sales in Canada.

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