Slight increase in the registered unemployment rate

The registered unemployment rate increased for the third consecutive month; still this month`s increase was very modest, as the rate grew from 12.1% to 12.2%. The gender analysis showed that the rate increased only for men (from 11.4% to 11.6%), while for women it remained unchanged at 12.9%.

There were 111,471 persons registered at the Employment Service of Slovenia in November 2012, which was almost the same number as a year ago, when there were 111,069 registered unemployed persons. Compared to the previous month, the number of unemployed persons went up by about 600; this was due to the increase in the number of unemployed men, as the number of unemployed women actually slightly decreased.

The unemployment rate either modestly increased or remained the same in all statistical regions. It increased the most significantly in the Pomurska region, where it went up by 0.4 of a percentage point. The rate reached 16.9%, which confirmed Pomurska as the region with the highest unemployment rate in Slovenia.

The number of persons in employment keeps falling

At the end of November 2012 there were 805,002 persons in employment in Slovenia; almost 2,150 fewer than in the previous month. Thus, the number of persons in employment did not stop falling, as it decreased for the sixth consecutive month. Since May 2012 the number of persons in employment has dropped by almost 12,000.

The number of persons in employment again went down the most in construction (by around 950) and in manufacturing (by 600). The number went up significantly only in professional, scientific and technical activities (by almost 200).

Table 1: Labour force, Slovenia, November 2012

Number Indices
X 12 XI 12  XI 12 
X 12
XI 12
XI 11
Labour force 918,027 916,473 99.8 98.1
Persons in employment 807,141 805,002 99.7 97.8
Persons in paid employment 713,704 711,609 99.7 97.6
- by legal persons 659,188 657,728 99.8 97.9
- by natural persons 54,516 53,881 98.8 94.5
Self employed persons 93,437 93,393 100.0 98.9
- individual private enterpreneurs 54,313 54,338 100.0 99.5
- own-account workers 6,417 6,417 100.0 96.6
- farmers 32,707 32,638 99.8 98.2
Registered unemployed persons 110,886 111,471 100.5 100.4
Labour force 503,308 502,202 99.8 97.6
Persons in employment 445,720 444,024 99.6 97.1
Persons in paid employment 380,950 379,339 99.6 97.0
- by legal persons 347,047 345,904 99.7 97.3
- by natural persons 33,903 33,435 98.6 93.5
Self employed persons 64,770 64,685 99.9 98.1
- individual private enterpreneurs 38,333 38,294 99.9 98.5
- own-account workers 3,365 3,365 100.0 95.6
- farmers 23,072 23,026 99.8 97.9
Registered unemployed persons 57,588 58,178 101.0 100.8
Labour force 414,719 414,271 99.9 98.7
Persons in employment 361,421 360,978 99.9 98.5
Persons in paid employment 332,754 332,270 99.9 98.4
- by legal persons 312,141 311,824 99.9 98.5
- by natural persons 20,613 20,446 99.2 96.3
Self employed persons 28,667 28,708 100.1 100.6
- individual private enterpreneurs 15,980 16,044 100.4 102.2
- own-account workers 3,052 3,052 100.0 97.7
- farmers 9,635 9,612 99.8 99.0
Registered unemployed persons 53,298 53,293 100.0 99.9

Source: SURS

Table 2: Comparison of registered unemployment rates and ILO unemployment rates, Slovenia, 2011-2012

2011 2012
% % % % % % % % %
Register data
Total 12.3 11.6 11.5 12.0 12.3 11.6 11.6 12.1 12.2
Men 12.0 11.2 10.9 11.3 11.9 11.1 11.0 11.4 11.6
Women 12.7 12.1 12.3 12.7 12.7 12.3 12.3 12.9 12.9
Survey data
Total 8.5 7.8 7.9 8.7 8.6 8.2 9.2
Men 8.6 8.0 7.9 8.2 8.4 7.7 8.5
Women 8.3 7.5 7.7 9.3 8.8 8.8 10.0

… no data

Source: SURS

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