Compared to October 2012, average monthly net earnings for November 2012 increased by 4.9%. Compared to November 2011 they decreased by 1.8%.

Average monthly net earnings for November 2012 by 1.8% lower than earnings for November 2011
Average monthly gross earnings for November 2012 amounted to EUR 1,611.93; compared to earnings for October 2012 they were higher by 6.3%, while compared to earnings for November 2011 they decreased by 2.4%. Average monthly net earnings for November 2012 amounted to EUR 1,035.01; compared to October 2012, average monthly net earnings for November 2012 increased by 4.9%, while compared to November 2011 they decreased by 1.8%. Compared to October 2012, average monthly earnings for November 2012 increased due to higher extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses). Without extra payments average monthly gross earnings for November 2012 would amount to EUR 1,513.45.

Relatively the most persons in paid employment received extra payments in mining and quarrying
With earnings for November 2012, 58.0% of persons in paid employment in mining and quarrying received also extra payments, on average EUR 745.21 gross, followed by electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (53.6% of persons in paid employment received on average EUR 645.72 gross) and transport and storage (28.7% of persons in paid employment received on average EUR 560.79 gross). On average, the highest extra payments (EUR 1,439.23) were paid to persons in paid employment in information and communication. 8.1% of persons in paid employment in this sector received extra payments.

The amount of extra payments and the share of persons in paid employment who received extra payments for November 2012 lower than for November 2011
With earnings for November 2012, 16.5% of persons in paid employment received also extra payments. This is 0.5 of a percentage point lower than for November 2011 and 1.3 percentage points lower than for November 2010. On average, extra payments for November 2012 amounted to EUR 597.37 gross (for November 2011 EUR 688.10 and for November 2010 EUR 712.30) per person in paid employment.

Compared to October 2012, average monthly gross earnings for November 2012 increased in all statistical regions
Compared to October 2012, average monthly gross earnings for November 2012 increased in all statistical regions, most noticeable in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (by 10.8%) and Obalno-kraška (by 7.2%). The smallest increase was observed in Goriška (2.6%) and in Zasavska (by 2.7%).

Table 1: Average monthly earnings and nominal indices of average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2012

EUR Indices
XI 12 Ø I - XI 12 Ø IX-XI 12 XI 12
X 12
XI 12
XI 11
Ø I-XI 12
Ø I-XI 11
XI 12
Ø 11
Gross earnings 1,611.93 1,524.66 1,538.94 106.3 97.6 100.1 105.7
Net earnings 1,035.01 990.66 998.17 104.9 98.2 100.4 104.8

Table 2: Average monthly earnings and nominal indices of average monthly earnings by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, November 2012

EUR Indices
XI 12 Ø I - XI 12 XI 12
X 12
XI 12
XI 11
Ø I-XI 12
Ø I-XI 11
Total 1,611.93 1,524.66 106.3 97.6 100.1
  Public sector 1,791.83 1,761.09 103.4 95.9 99.2
  - of which general government 1,743.23 1,762.28 100.8 96.3 97.8
  Private sector 1,513.79 1,395.59 108.3 98.5 100.6
Total 1,035.01 990.66 104.9 98.2 100.4
  Public sector 1,149.51 1,133.49 102.7 97.2 99.7
  - of which general government 1,124.44 1,134.76 100.6 97.3 98.6
  Private sector 972.56 912.68 106.4 98.7 100.7

Table 3: Average gross earnings index by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2012

    XI 12     
Ø XII 11 - XI 12
Slovenia 105.6

Table 4: Real indices of average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2012

XI 12 
X 12
XI 12
XI 11
Ø I-XI 12
Ø I-XI 11
Gross 106.4 95.4 97.6
Net 105.0 96.0 97.9

Chart 1: Average monthly gross earnings and average monthly gross earnings without extra payments by legal persons, Slovenia, January 2009 - November 2012

Methodological note

Detailed final data on average monthly earnings in Slovenia for November 2012 will be published on 25th January 2013 in the SI-STAT database on SORS's website.


Darjan Petek

Next release:

Friday, February 15, 2013

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