On January 21, 2016SolarTurf executives will present at a symposium dedicated to exploring the opportunities, challenges, and benefits of developing solar energy plants on landfills and brownfields. This annual meeting, co-sponsored by SolarTurf, will bring together utility personnel, developers, engineers, municipal officials, regulatory officials, attorneys, and insurance specialists to examine the elements of successful projects and look ahead to new developments in financing, incentives, and technology.

In a presentation titled, “Brownfield/Landfill Solar Development on a Pre-Closure or Failing Cap Site” Greg Lucini, President and CEO of ISM Solar, and Mike Ayers, CEO/President at Watershed Geo, will discuss how the challenges associated with landfill and brownfield closure methods affect the prospects for solar development. Potential closure failures include issues with gas emissions, soil erosions, slope integrity, curtailed life-spans, heavy weather events, and repeated, long-term requirements for adequate soil coverage. The presentation will provide case studies that demonstrate the importance of a sound capping solution when evaluating landfill and brownfield sites for solar development opportunities.

The Solar Development on Landfills and Brownfields conference will be held from January 20-21, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The event is hosted by EUCI, an organization with more than 25 years of experience leading conferences, seminars, workshops, and courses designed exclusively for the energy industry. EUCI’s goal is to provide an objective, independent perspective on new and emerging practices from across the energy industry by encouraging dialog and helping spread best practices. Learn more.

ISM Group

ISM Solar, the renewable energy division of the ISM Group, specializes in solar site development services. Founded in 1987, the ISM Group represents a consortium of companies that offer sourcing and technology solutions for some of the most well-known and respected companies in the electronics and renewable energy industries. ISM offers a smarter, more cost-effective path to quality products by providing industry-leading expertise in engineering, project management, quality assurance, and supply chain management.

ISM Solar is the exclusive developer of SolarTurf™. This all-in-one system is comprised of ballasted solar arrays mounted on ClosureTurf®, an EPA, Subtitle D Compliant landfill closure solution. SolarTurf® turns environmental liabilities into clean energy with zero negative impact.

To learn more visit http://www.solarturf.com or follow us on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/solarturf.

Watershed Geo

Based in Alpharetta, GA, Watershed Geo is an innovative environmental and civil technologies company created by geotechnical engineers and hydrologists that specialize in geosynthetic products that solve earth’s greatest challenges with solutions that reduce risks, require virtually no maintenance and stand the test of time. Watershed Geo’s portfolio of products include: ClosureTurf® for municipal and industrial landfill closures and coal combustion residual landfill/impoundment closures, HydroTurf® for high hydraulic shear protections – Earth Revetment, VersaCap® for odor prevention, emission control, and leachate reduction, and TerraArmor™ Wall for earth wall and slope protection and rehabilitation.

For more information, visit Watershed Geo at: www.watershedgeo.com and follow us on Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/watershed-geosynthetics.