Servant Leadership Institute (SLI), transforming organizations and people from the inside out, announced a powerful lineup of speakers for its San Diego Servant Leadership Conference, March 6 – 8, on neighboring Coronado Island, Calif. This enlightening event provides the unique opportunity for leaders to learn how they can achieve radical results by moving from a power model to a servant leadership model.

“As servant leaders, our goal is to inspire and equip the people in our circle of influence, and we are fortunate that our influence now reaches a national and international audience,” said Art Barter, founder and CEO of SLI and owner and CEO of Datron World Communications, Inc. “Attendees are invited to immerse themselves in our servant leadership experience this year, receiving an education about servant leadership; gaining an understanding of what it means to truly serve those they influence; applying servant leadership through daily behaviors; and experiencing unbelievable results in their organizations, homes, and communities.”

This momentous two-day conference — which kicks off with a welcome reception the night before — will include expert speakers, interactive workshops, and roundtable discussions focused on providing step-by-step guidance to inspire and equip attendees to become leaders who serve first. In addition to Barter, who will share how employing servant leadership helped transform Datron to a successful servant-led organization, other confirmed speakers include Lolly Daskal, founder of Lead from Within; Liz Wiseman, author of Multipliers and Rookie Smarts; Scott Schimmel, president and chief guide for YouSchool; N. Chris Stokes, four-time Olympic athlete and author of Cool Runnings and Beyond; and Stedman Graham, author and expert on identity leadership.

The conference website includes details about the agenda, speakers, workshops, lodging and local attractions, as well as information to help potential attendees justify their trips. It is also where registration is taking place; the Early Bird rate — offering a $200 savings — runs through Jan. 31. Discounts are available for groups, active members of the military and full-time students.

“Our previous San Diego conferences have sold out, so we encourage those who want to attend to reserve their place as soon as possible,” Barter said. “We have received very positive feedback about our purposeful limit of the number of attendees, which creates an intimate environment and ensures everyone has the chance to network with our speakers and others interested in servant leadership.”

About Servant Leadership Institute

Founded in 2009, Servant Leadership Institute (SLI) is a training resource center created by Art Barter to serve and help grow leaders determined to make a positive difference in their organization or community. SLI resources include many field-tested publications, consulting, training and coaching services, workshops, webinars, and conferences. Learn more at