Regulatory News:

Séché Environnement (Paris:SCHP) is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement to acquire, from the family-owned Charier Group, three companies specializing in waste management in Western France and representing some 50 employees sharing the same values and a common vision of Environment.

This agreement also includes some sites managed under public delegation contracts.

Through this operation, Séché Environnement continues to develop on territories and consolidates its positioning in Brittany and Pays de Loire regions. Thus, the Group reinforces its local offers on its businesses of:

  • Material recovery, with the sites of La Croix-Irtelle (Morbihan), Nivillac (Morbihan) and Vallet (Loire-Atlantique) : sorting centers for packages, a slag recovery platform, a wood recovery platform, a green waste composting center, a sorting and grouping platform for waste economic activities;
  • Energy recovery, on the Ecosite of La Croix-Irtelle (Morbihan) with Energecie, a dedicated company specializing in biogas recovery in cogeneration (electricity and hot water production). The hot water is used by a local food industry in a dynamics of territorial ecology;
  • Treatment of final waste, on the sites of La Croix-Irtelle (Morbihan), Hautes-Gayeulles (Ille-et-Vilaine), Bellevue in St-Flaive-des-Loups (Vendée), L’Etrolle in Les Pineaux (Vendée) and La Chevrenière in Tallud-Ste-Gemme (Vendée).

These new implantations complete the services already offered by Séché Environnement to local authorities and other economic players in the West of France through its sites of Séché Eco-Industries in La Dominelais (Ille-et-Vilaine), Triadis St-Jacques-de-la-Lande (Ille-et-Vilaine), Alcea in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), Séché Healthacre for medical waste in St-Gilles (Ille-et-Vilaine), Carquefou (Loire-Atlantique) and the Group’s historic birthplace and main offices of Changé (Mayenne).

The acquired businesses represent revenues of approximately €14 million and EBITDA of around €3 million based on 2016 figures. They will be included in the consolidation scope as of March 1, 2017.

This operation is in line with Séché Environnement's strategy of accelerating its development through targeted external growth operations on the hazardous and non-hazardous waste recovery and treatment markets, both in France and internationally.


Consolidated results at December 31, 2016


March 6, 2017 after market close

About Séché Environnement

Séché Environnement is one of France's leading players in the recovery and treatment of all types of waste, from both industry and local communities.

Séché Environnement is the leading independent operator in France. It is uniquely positioned as a specialist in highly complex waste, operating within regulated waste recovery and treatment markets with high barriers to entry.

Its facilities and expertise enable it to provide high value-added solutions to its industrial and public authority clients, targeting the challenges of the circular economy and sustainable development requirements, such as:

  • the material and energy recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous waste;
  • a comprehensive range of treatment solutions for solid, liquid and gaseous waste (thermal, physical-chemical and radiation treatment, etc.);
  • the storage of final hazardous and non-hazardous waste;
  • eco-services such as decontamination, decommissioning, asbestos removal and rehabilitation.

Leveraging its extensive expertise, Séché Environnement has successfully developed its environmental services business lines in waste management outsourcing markets for its clientele of large communities and major industrial companies both in France and abroad.

Séché Environnement has been listed on Eurolist by Euronext (Compartment B) since November 27, 1997.

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This press release may contain information of a provisional nature. This information represents either trends or targets at the date of the press release's publication and may not be considered as results forecasts or as any other type of performance indicators. This information is by nature subject to risks and uncertainties which are difficult to foresee and are usually beyond the Company's control, which may imply that expected results and developments differ significantly from announced trends and targets. These risks notably include those described in the Company’s Registration Document, which is available on its website ( This information therefore does not reflect the Company's future performance, which may differ considerably, and no guarantee can be given as to the achievement of these forward-looking figures. The Company makes no commitment on the updating of this information. More detailed information on the Company can be obtained on its website (, in the Regulated Information section. This press release does not constitute an offer of shares or a solicitation in view of an offer of shares in any country, including the United States. Distribution of this press release may be subject to the laws and regulations in force in France or other countries. Persons in possession of this press release must be aware of these restrictions and observe them.