The Unicode Consortium is pleased to announce its 38th annual Internationalization and Unicode Conference (IUC) will take place from November 3rd-November 5th at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, CA.

The conference is currently seeking participants. The deadline for submitting a speaking topic is Friday, March 28th. Suitable topics include - but are not limited to:

  • Application Areas: social networks, search engines, websites and web services, mobile applications, and security concerns and practices.
  • General Techniques: advances in technologies, using internationalization libraries, handling bidirectional or other complex scripts, and font development and Typography
  • Managing Global Software Development and Geographically Distributed Teams: project management and methodologies, best practices, and approaches for migrating legacy applications to global markets
  • Evolving Standards and Related Practices: endangered languages or unencoded scripts, case studies on cross-culture communication, ISO language tag topics, HTML5, CSS3, and modern browser topics, and dealing with data formats

Tutorial presenters will receive complimentary conference registration and two nights lodging. Session presenters will receive a 50% conference discount and two nights lodging. The IUC Program Committee will notify submitters of their acceptance by Friday, May 2nd.

IUC is the premier event covering the latest in industry standards and best practices for bringing software and Web applications to worldwide markets. With its focus on software and Web globalization, IUC brings together internationalization experts, tool vendors, software implementers, and business and program managers from around the world.

To be considered as a presenter, visit To learn more and register for the 38th IUC, visit

About the Unicode Consortium
The Unicode Consortium is a nonprofit organization founded to develop, extend and promote the use of the Unicode standard and related globalization standards. The membership of the consortium represents a broad spectrum of corporations and organizations in the computer and information processing industry. Members are: Adobe Systems, Apple, Google, Government of Bangladesh, Government of India, IBM, Microsoft, Monotype Imaging, Oracle, SAP, The Society for Natural Language Technology Research, The University of California (Berkeley), The University of California (Santa Cruz), Yahoo!, plus well over a hundred Associate, Liaison, and individual members. For more information, please contact the Unicode Consortium

Object Management Group
Julie Pike, 781-444-0404