SYSPRO, a provider of best-of-breed, award-winning enterprise resource planning (ERP) software for on-premise and cloud-based utilization, announced today that analyst Cindy Jutras, founder and CEO of Mint Jutras, has commented on the SYSPRO "Brain Trust" Program presented to a group of leading industry analysts in Boston in December, 2013.

Jutras notes that while SYSPRO is not the biggest vendor in the ERP marketplace, it hopes to be the best for the markets it serves, providing SMB's with a competitive edge. "Yet not being the biggest also means it must build trust in its products and its ability to deploy easily and reliably . . . SYSPRO is one of only a few remaining ERP vendors that . . . enjoys the luxury of concentrating on satisfying the customer . .

"SYSPRO has long had its own implementation methodology suitable to small and mid-size businesses, but it is now investing in new industry-specific business process workflows, account structures, executive dashboards with pre-defined key performance (KPIs), industry roles and reporting. It recognizes the typical SMB faces many of the same pressures as its larger counterparts, but can't afford to start from scratch to re-invent wheels."

Jutras goes on to state that one of the industries upon which SYSPRO focuses is "Food," and lists the pluses SYSPRO ERP offers food manufacturers and distributors.

Jutras summarizes her report: "By also contributing executive services and educational programs, along with program incentives, SYSPRO USA stands squarely behind and in support of economic growth and job creation. A worthy goal of a Brain Trust? Yes. Simply smarter? Definitely."

The Jutras Report can be viewed at:

About Mint Jutras

Cindy Jutras, founder of Mint Jutras, is a widely recognized expert in analyzing the impact of enterprise applications on business performance. Utilizing over 35 years of corporate experience and specific expertise in manufacturing, supply chain, customer service and business performance management, Cindy has spent the past 6 years benchmarking the performance of software solutions in the context of the business benefits of technology.

Prior to founding Mint Jutras, Cindy was Vice President, Research Fellow and Group Director for the Aberdeen Group where she conducted survey-based research on ERP, suite-based enterprise applications and business performance management. During her tenure with Aberdeen she directly managed a variety of research practices including Enterprise Applications and ERP, Manufacturing, Product Innovation and Engineering, GRC and Financial Management, Strategic Service Management and Human Capital Management. In addition, she played a leadership role in developing Aberdeen research staff, methodologies and best practices. For more information, contact:


Since its inception in 1978, SYSPRO has been delivering state-of-the-art business solutions to some of the world's leading companies. As a global leader in the production of world-class ERP software, the company now caters to the specialized needs of over 15,000 licensed companies in more than 60 countries worldwide. SYSPRO is marketed globally through regional territory distribution centers and a global reseller network in the US, Canada, Africa, Asia Pacific, Australia and the UK. Follow SYSPRO on:





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Stanley Goodrich, 714-437-1000