The initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, to dedicate the celebrations of the Accession Day to express deep gratitude and appreciation to the UAE Armed Forces comes at a time of critical importance due to regional and international developments.

Given that the UAE Armed Forces have become vastly superior to armies across the globe, in terms of armament, equipment, and training and they are the shield that provides protection and reassurance that support the UAE's march of achievements, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has been keen on dedicating the Accession Day to celebrate our defenders, and therefore launched "Thank You .. Guardians of Nation" initiative due to his conviction that building our Armed Forces is a living model that summarizes the journey of our young country and a witness to the insightfulness and wisdom of the UAE's leadership.

Undoubtedly, it is our duty to express our deep appreciation and pride to UAE nationals who answered the call of duty by joining the national service, putting the country before themselves, and giving it time and effort, day and night.

The unquestionable truth is that serving the country is an unmatched honor and our Armed Forces safeguard our sovereignty, protect our stability and security, and preserve national gains.

The stability and security our country is endowed with had positive implications seen in the country's successes in investment attraction, economic prosperity, remarkable increase of economic growth, status boost, and index upgrade according to all economic indexes worldwide. Our Armed Forces guardians are capable of preserving these gains for they are known of their sacrifice and selflessness.

On this occasion, we say to our armed forces: "You are our nation's shield and source of pride and glory. You are the nation's most precious asset. May Allah protect you".

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