STORY: Rwandans voted on Monday (July 15) in an election that's expected to hand President Paul Kagame another term in office.

The 66-year-old, who helped lead the rebel movement that ended Rwanda's 1994 genocide, has held the presidency for nearly a quarter of a century.

He won the last election, in 2017, with a reported 99% of the vote.

That was also after a constitutional change removed term limits that would have prevented him from standing again.

Kagame is credited with transforming Rwanda into a thriving economy.

He has, however, also faced accusations from rights activists and Western nations of muzzling the media, stifling opposition and backing rebel groups in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.

Rwanda's government has denied all the accusations against it.

:: July 13, 2024

While campaigning, Kagame promised continued development and stability.

He's up against two other candidates for the presidency.

Several others, including some of Kagame's most vocal critics, were barred from running for various reasons that included prior criminal convictions.