NEW YORK, Jan. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Continuing its commitment to nursing-driven innovation that improves care for vulnerable populations, the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation (RAHF) is releasing new Requests for Proposals (RFP) for some of its signature programs. Funding will be available through the Hillman Innovations in Care (HIC) Program as well as the Hillman Emergent Innovation (HEI) Program and the Hillman Serious Illness and End of Life Emergent Innovation (HSEI) Program.

“Supporting innovations that remove barriers to more equitable, high-quality, and person-centered care is central to our mission,” said Ahrin Mishan, Executive Director of the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation.

An informational webinar will be offered on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, to explain the particulars of each program and how to assess which might offer the best match for a given project.

To register for the informational webinar on February 11, please click here.

A pipeline for nursing-driven innovation
The Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation supports nursing-driven initiatives that serve vulnerable populations, including the economically disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, rural populations, people experiencing homelessness, and others. Through a suite of interconnected programs, the Foundation has created a pipeline for innovation by offering support for work at different phases of development.

  • The Hillman Emergent Innovation Program and the Hillman Serious Illness and End of Life Emergent Innovation Program seek to jumpstart promising ideas at their earliest stages of development.

  • The Hillman Innovations in Care Program supports mature programs with strong preliminary evidence.

  • The Hillman Innovation Dissemination Program, which helps successful programs with an established evidence base to scale nationally, accepts proposals by invitation only.

More on the Hillman Innovations in Care Program
Launched in 2014, the Hillman Innovations in Care (HIC) Program is one of the Foundation’s defining initiatives and seeks applications from nursing-driven, evidence-based, patient- and family-centered initiatives that challenge conventional strategies, improve health outcomes, lower costs, and show potential for national replicability. The HIC program offers two three-year grants of up to $600,000 each.

For full details of the HIC program, please click here.

Letters of intent and preliminary brief proposals will be due on Monday, March 2, 2020.

More on Hillman’s two Emergent Innovation programs
RAHF offers two grantmaking programs for emerging ideas: the Hillman Emergent Innovation (HEI) Program and the Hillman Serious Illness and End of Life Emergent Innovation (HSEI) Program. Both seek bold, early stage, or untested interventions that address health challenges faced by vulnerable populations and award as many as five one-year grants of $50,000 each.

For full details, please click here for the HEI program and here for the HSEI program.

Letters of intent and preliminary brief proposals will be due on Monday, April 27, 2020.

Who should apply
The Foundation believes that transformative ideas are as likely to come from community health clinics as they are from major academic research centers and welcomes applications from organizations across the spectrum of care and from practitioners with a range of backgrounds (including nurse clinicians, researchers, postdocs, and adjunct faculty.)

The Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of patients, families, and communities through nursing-driven innovation. To this end, the Foundation cultivates nurse leaders, supports nursing research, and promotes new models of care that are critical to making the U.S. health care system more patient-centered, accessible, equitable, and affordable. For more information, please visit

Linda Le
Vice President of Operations, The Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation or 212-265-3115

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