
WHO: Ethan Davidoff, RiskIQ’s Ad Network Strategist, is an expert in online advertising, ad networks, exchanges, programmatic ad buying/selling infrastructures and ecosystems. Prior to RiskIQ he was managing director of Iznix, a consulting firm that developed web and mobile software applications for brands, agencies and startups. Ethan holds a business degree from UC Berkeley.

Click to Tweet: .@RiskIQ #malvertising expert to discuss security gaps in ad networks and how to restore #trust http://bit.ly/1IIpfwd


      The online advertising industry is highly fragmented and increasingly driven by complex, automated ad networks and programmatic machine-to-machine buying/selling. Hidden points of vulnerability in an ecosystem that funnels millions of ads across the Internet daily enable criminals to silently distribute malware and other threats via “malvertisements”. This Webinar will detail:
  • The common entry points for malvertisements that put users, ad networks and publishers at risk
  • The types of exploits commonly used and the cost associated with delayed remediation of malvertising exploits
  • How ad networks and publishers can approach the problem and solutions for restoring trust and continuity of revenue



Via the Web. To register, please visit: http://trust.riskiq.com/webinar-points-of-vulnerability-in-todays-internet-ad-ecosystem-sales?



Tuesday, Jan. 27, 10:00-11:00 AM Pacific Time.


To schedule a conversation with Ethan Davidoff, contact Marc Gendron at marc@mgpr.net or 781-237-0341

About RiskIQ

RiskIQ enables DSPs, ad exchanges, SSPs, ad networks and publishers to detect and remove instances of malicious advertising being served to their audiences. The company provides exceptional value by helping preserve the integrity of digital ad ecosystems. RiskIQ is used by eight of the 10 largest financial institutions in the U.S. and five of the nine top Internet companies in the world. For more, visit www.riskiq.com