Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Ultrasound: World Market Analysis" report to their offering.

This report, Ultrasound: World Market Analysis, analyzes the current and potential world market for ultrasound systems. This report generally forecasts future growth to 2018. Market segments covered include the world, U.S., European, BRIC, and Japanese markets.

Ultrasound has had a foothold in obstetrics for many years, monitoring the fetus during pregnancy. While the market for this segment will continue to increase, use of ultrasound is growing in areas from breast health to cardiology, with mobility the key for newer systems, bringing ultrasound to the bedside. Ever more compact systems allow for real-time 3-D imaging of structures, which can aid complex surgical applications and interventional procedures.

This report reviews the nature and direction of research and trends, and gives insight into some issues facing manufacturers and vendors. The report profiles several companies, including large companies that have made names for themselves in the field, as well as smaller firms with market niches.

These companies are involved in developing and marketing ultrasound systems. Some of the companies profiled in the report include:

  • Analogic
  • EchoSon
  • Esaote
  • GE Healthcare
  • Hitachi Aloka Medical
  • Medison America / Samsung Electronics America
  • Mobisante
  • Philips Healthcare
  • Shimadzu
  • Siemens Healthcare
  • SonoSite
  • SuperSonic Imagine
  • Terason Ultrasound / Teratech Corp.
  • TomTec Imaging Systems
  • Toshiba America Medical Systems
  • Volcano Corp.
  • Zonare Medical Systems

Key Topics Covered:

1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Trends

3.0 Market Analysis

4.0 Key Corporate Profiles

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