Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Neonatal Ventilator Market in India - 2014 ; Market size, Market trends, Growth drivers, Future forecast, Market opportunity" report to their offering.

This report provides an insight into the Neonatal Ventilator current market scenario, structure and practices in India.

In depth market scenario includes:

- Market estimate of Neonatal Ventilator in India for FY14

- Geographical presence of key players in India

- Providing insights into Industry drivers and challenges and their impact on the future market

- Regulatory bodies and their roles

- Future Market projections for 5 years

- Opportunities in the Industry

Key Topics Covered:

Section 1: Background

  • Scope of this research
  • Research aim and objectives
  • Research methodology

Section 2: Neonatal Ventilator Market in India

  • Industry Snapshot
  • Industry Structure
  • Major Clusters
  • Growth Drivers
  • Issues and Challenges
  • Prevailing Govt. Policies
  • Future Outlook
  • Key Opportunities
  • Key Players Snapshot
  • - Trivitron Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
  • - Schiller Healthcare India Pvt Ltd

Section 3: About Us

Companies Mentioned

  • AVI Healthcare Pvt Ltd
  • Covidien Healthcare India Private Ltd
  • GE Healthcare Ltd
  • Maquet Medical India Pvt Ltd
  • Schiller Healthcare India Pvt Ltd
  • Trivitron Healthcare

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