Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "2015 United Kingdom: Maintenance And Repair Of Motor Vehicles-Industry Forecast report" report to their offering.

The 2015 United Kingdom: Maintenance And Repair Of Motor Vehicles-Industry Forecast report (ISIC 4520) analyzes the industry size, competitors, projected industry growth/decline, financial ratios and regional data for the period 2009 through 2016.

Industry Forecast Reports provide the most accurate industry forecasts based on our proprietary economic models. Our forecasts project the number of enterprises, establishments, turnover and employment for 2015 and 2016 using regression analysis in our modeling. And Perry/Hope is the only market research publisher that utilizes both longitudinal (historical) and vertical (from industry section to industry division to industry class) analysis, since we study every industry in the countries we analyze.

The report features our exclusive national trends overview chapter (with forecasts on the country's GDP and economic performance). The second section provides estimates on the national size of the industry (turnover, enterprises, establishments, wages/salaries and employment) broken down by employee size of establishments, as well as financial ratios (value added, production value, gross operating surplus, turnover per employee).

The turnover estimates are translated into a number of exchange rates (Euros, U.S. Dollars, U.K. Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan). Investment data (tangible goods, buildings, structures, equipment and machinery) are also included. The third section features the top industry players (up to twenty, if available).

Data on each company includes headquarters location, estimated company sales (2009 to 2013, if available), estimated number of employees, website URL, and stock symbol (for public companies). The final section features regional area estimates on 2015 turnover, establishments and employment for every NUTS3 defined region and broken down by employee size of establishment.

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