Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to participants and guests at the 13th Golden Eagle National Film Awards presentation ceremony.

The message reads, in part:

"Well-known directors and actors, screenwriters and camera operators, artists and composers are once again meeting today here at the First Mosfilm Pavilion. Talented, passionate individuals who have devoted their lives to Russian filmmaking, preserving and developing its outstanding traditions, are meeting to discuss current professional issues and make plans for the future in an informal and truly friendly setting. And, of course, to congratulate the winners of the most prestigious national film award, the Golden Eagle, which has rightly become a symbol of creative success and public recognition.

It is important that today, Russian films not only strengthen their positions in the domestic box office, but are also receiving good reviews from the international film community. All of this clearly demonstrates the enormous potential of our film industry and inspires the masters to create new, interesting works."

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