Post-n-Track, a proven provider of information logistics for healthcare management, announced today that Mike Knowles, vice president of sales and support at Post-n-Track, will be a panelist member at the upcoming Healthcare Payments Innovations Conference, being held January 27-28, 2014 at the Phoenix Marriott Tempe at the Buttes, in Tempe AZ.

Along with other accomplished industry leaders on the panel, Mr. Knowles will examine the challenges and opportunities involved in leveraging technology and strategies to meet the needs of both patients and providers. Panelists will also discuss lessons learned and effective strategies employed nationally across the industry.

"I think it is important for vendors to offer their perspectives," states Mr. Knowles, "as we have unique insights into the healthcare payer marketplace that, along with the payer experiences, assist everyone attending with a good snapshot of exactly where the industry and is and where we think it's going."

About Post-n-Track

Post-n-Track is a provider of information logistics for healthcare management, enabling health plans, providers, health systems and vendors to securely manage and optimize the flow of healthcare information. Post-n-Track's cloud-based, SaaS platform allows organizations to access proven IT infrastructure and functionality--delivering meaningful results that improve service and reduce cost while driving compliance and accelerating innovation. For information, visit

About the Healthcare Payments Innovations Conference

The Healthcare Payments Summit is a showcase of innovative payment solutions that are being implemented by both payers and providers in partnership with leading financial and technology solution providers. Building on the tremendous success of past events, this event features a new top-notch speaker roster representing all 4 corners of the Healthcare Payments market: Healthcare Payers and Providers, Financial Services and Solution Providers. These leading practitioners will share real world case studies that you can use to dramatically improve your operation, no matter which side of the health care continuum you represent. For more information, please visit

Healthcare Payments Innovations Conference 2014
Aron Barkan, 561-674?0082
Kathleen Daffner, 203-209?0520
David Barth, 860-257-2030