Run by a private NGO, the site has been set up to help those affected by the recent devastating floods.

Across the country, extreme flooding has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, and officials warn it could take up to six months for waters to recede.

But already, the stagnant waters are having a vast impact, causing serious health issues and widespread hunger.

Some 85 families live in this camp, including Soomar Badal and his children

"We get food once a day. I have six children. Are we going to eat this food, or give it to the kids? We are facing great difficulties about food here. We just got this rice now. We will not get anything tonight; the next meal will be tomorrow at this time."

Others repeat the same complaint.

NGO workers said they are trying their best, but the number of flood refugees is becoming too big to manage, especially in the worst affected Sindh province.

Although many other camps and makeshift health facilities have been set up, Pakistan's already weak health system has been under immense pressure since June.

The floods were caused by a historic monsoon, which dumped about three times as much rain on Pakistan as the three-decade average.

Combined with glacial melt it caused unprecedented flooding.

The death toll currently stands at just over 1,500 people.

The deluge has affected nearly 33 million people in the South Asian nation of 220 million, sweeping away homes, crops, bridges, roads and livestock in damages estimated at $30 billion.