The PR Council has announced its 3rd Annual Take Flight with PR Contest, offering students across the United States the opportunity to showcase their creativity and passion for PR.

  • Who & What: students will be asked to develop a video no longer than 3 minutes that generates a call to action around a cause. The video must explain what the cause is, why it is important, and how it could be strategically promoted through a PR campaign.
  • When: the deadline for entries is May 22nd 2015. The open online voting period will run from April 20th to June 23rd and the top submissions will then be evaluated by a panel of judges (see list below) to determine the winner.
  • Prizes: the winning entry will be awarded a cash prize and an expense paid trip to New York City in October where their submission will be shown before 200 industry executives at the Council's Annual Dinner. In addition, there will be an opportunity to meet with PR firms and be featured in the Firm Voice blog. The runner up and faculty advisor to the winning submission will also be awarded a cash prize.

Last year’s winner, Zoe Hoffman, and her entry, “Loans that Change Lives,” passionately detailed a campaign about the non-profit organization Kiva that strives to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. 2014 runner up, Alexis Jones, created an inspiring entry, “Dreaming is Believing,” showing her desire to practice public relations in the entertainment industry.

2015 Judging Panel

Rob Bratskeir, EVP & Creative Director, 360 Public Relations
Julia Cartwright, Associate Dean, Communications, Promotion & Public Affairs, GIPH, New York University
Corey duBrowa, SVP Global Communications and International Public Affairs, Starbucks
Rob Flaherty, Senior Partner, CEO & President, Ketchum
Jim Joseph, President of North America & Chief Branding Officer, Cohn & Wolfe
Ralph Katz, Co-Founder, Principal, CooperKatz & Company
Mona Astra Liss, Director of Corporate PR, IKEA
Gail Moaney, Managing Partner & Director, Finn Partners
Jon Silvan, Founding Partner & CEO, Global Strategy Group
Stephanie Smirnov, Managing Director, Consumer Marketing, Edelman New York

Additional Information

For submission details and FAQ, please visit

About the PR Council

Established in 1998, the PR Council (formerly Council of Public Relations Firms) advocates for and advances the business of public relations firms by building the market and the value of firms as strategic business partners. More than 100 of America’s leading public relations firms are currently members of the Council. They represent the premier global, mid-size, regional, and specialty agencies across every discipline and practice area.