Villers-lès-Nancy, 5 January 2018 - 6:30 p.m. (CET)


The PHARMAGEST Group is Revolutionizing
In-Home Connected Care for Seniors with Human AI

The PHARMAGEST Group, the leading innovator in French health-tech, is introducing a new way of monitoring seniors' health from the comfort of their home, at CES 2018 in Las Vegas. From January 9th-12th at Eureka Park Marketplace booth 51243, the PHARMAGEST Group will be demonstrating the uses of the NoviaCare and CareLib, in-home assistants that can extend seniors' autonomous time at home for up to 36 months, before needing to move to assisted care.

Thierry CHAPUSOT, Chair of the Board of Directors of PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE and Chair of the La Cooperative WELCOOP Executive Committee, parent company of the PHARMAGEST Group, declares: "The PHARMAGEST Group saw a real need to be filled in elder-care. We noticed there was a need to maintain frail people at home as long as possible. Today's home-based solutions allow for elderly people to postpone their entry in a specialized institution for 18 months only. With our boxes, we can go well beyond this expected timeline and enable this population to remain over 36 more months in their apartment and/or their home. This is a big increase in autonomy and we're very excited about it."

NoviaCare solution is compact Plug & Play all-in-one AI companion built for people who live alone or need highly specialized care such as elderly people, or persons with disabilities. The system tracks the subject around the house, learns habits and follows the individual during their routine hygiene, meals, home security, and sleep patterns all without an Internet connection. Collected data is stored locally. The NoviaCare is the perfect "electronic safety kit" to accompany any isolated person in need of.

CareLib solution is an all-in-one system provides secure recording and storage of measured health data and medical procedures, allowing automated follow-ups with medical professionals and a social network for other needs such as ordering meals or medicine. The intuitive Box, features a large color touch screen, a high-resolution camera, sensor speakers and microphone. Plus, with 2g/3g connectivity, the box is always on and connected, an important feature in the case of an emergency. CareLib also allows access to other online applications to support frail people in their daily lives
CareLib monitors and stores all health data or information from medical procedures, conveniently at patient's home. Data can be accessed by the patient, health care providers, or family caretakers directly from the device or via secure remote access within health databases. The Boxes maintains a senior patient's medical records conveniently within their home, allowing for regular in-home treatments and ensuring their ability to live longer at home, while maintaining their autonomy.

The NoviaCare will be available for purchase in June 2018 for 49€ including VAT per month and the CareLib offer will be available for purchase in June 2018 for 99€ including VAT per month. They will be available in Europe and in late 2018 in the United States.

PHARMAGEST Group is the French pharmacy information technology leader, with a market share of more than 41% and more than 900 employees. The Group's strategy is based on a core business of improving healthcare through information technology innovation and developing two priority areas: 1/ Services and technologies for healthcare professionals, with a focus on assisting pharmacies in patient medication compliance; and 2/ technologies for improving the efficacy of healthcare systems.

To roll out this strategy, PHARMAGEST Group has developed specialised businesses, including pharmacy IT, e-Health solutions, solutions for healthcare professionals, solutions for pharmaceutical laboratories, connected health devices and apps, and a sales financing marketplace.

These businesses are divided into four Divisions: Solutions for Pharmacy Division - Europe; Solutions for Health and Social Care Facilities; Solutions for e-Health; and Fintech.

Listed on Euronext Paris(TM) - Compartment B
Indices: CAC® SMALL and CAC® All-Tradable par inclusion
Eligible for the Long-Only Deferred Settlement Service (SRD)
ISIN: FR 0012882389 - Reuters: PHA.PA - Bloomberg: - PMGI FP

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Project Management Relations:
Innovation and Patient Solution Directors: Erwan SALQUE
Tel. + 33 (0)3 83 15 93 27 -

Press Officer:
e-Health Communications Officer: Julie TERZETTI
Tel. +33 (0)3 83 15 90 23 -

Analyst Investor Relations:
Chief Financial Officer: Jean-Yves SAMSON
Tel. +33 (0)3 83 15 90 67 -

Financial Communications:
Tel. +33 (0)1 39 97 61 22 - 

PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE presents its AI solutions for Seniors at the

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Source: PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE via Globenewswire