OCT 201301240011A
Dealing in securities by an associate of a director

Octodec Investments Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1956/002868/06)
Share Code: OCT
ISIN Code: ZAE000005104
("Octodec" or "the Company")


In compliance with rule 3.63 - 3.65 of the JSE Listings Requirements, the following information
relating to the dealing in securities by an associate of a director, is disclosed:

Executive director:                            A K Stein
Date of transaction:                           22 January 2013

Number of Octodec linked units:                7 000
Price purchased at:                            R19.57 per linked unit
Total value of transaction:                    R136 990

Number of Octodec linked units:                3 000
Price purchased at:                            R19.80 per linked unit
Total value of transaction:                    R59 400

Extent of interest:                            Indirect beneficial
Nature of transaction:                         Purchase on the open market via Aksin Investments (Pty)
                                               Limited, a company owned by AK Stein
Clearance to deal:                             Yes

24 January 2013

Nedbank Capital

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