OSIsoft, LLC, a global leader enabling operational intelligence, today announced that The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Cyber Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is deploying the PI System to accelerate integration and adoption of standards-based cybersecurity tools. OSIsoft’s ability to manage data from diverse operations technology (OT) and information technology (IT) sources will help ensure that secure, practical and scalable technologies are implemented throughout the nation’s cyber infrastructure. NIST’s selection is representative of the deployment of the PI System throughout critical infrastructure and key resource sectors.

Project Performance Company (PPC), a longstanding NIST service provider and OSIsoft integration partner, is managing the implementation and configuration of the PI System, which includes testing of its varied data sources.

“The PI System is well positioned to help NIST accomplish its mission at the NCCoE,” said Steven Sarnecki, vice president of federal and public sector at OSIsoft. “By utilizing our deep bench of almost 500 interfaces to different industrial control systems and data sources, U.S. cybersecurity management systems can be transformed from disconnected silos of information to an integrated, near-real-time situational awareness platform.”

The vast majority of the nation’s energy and industrial companies are already using the PI System to improve the security of their OT by detecting emerging anomalous conditions and taking corrective action before problems arise.

“A key benefit of deploying the PI System at the NCCoE is the ability to share findings in a collaborative environment that will help accelerate adoption of state-of-the-art cyber technologies in line with NIST’s mission,” said Paul Strasser, chief executive officer at PPC. “We are looking forward to realizing results.”

About OSIsoft, LLC Federal

OSIsoft is a global leader enabling operational intelligence. As the maker of the PI System, OSIsoft has delivered the premiere open enterprise infrastructure connecting sensor-based data, operations and stakeholders, and enabling real-time, actionable and predictive operational intelligence for over 35 years in over 110 countries. OSIsoft’s government clients have long embraced the PI System to deliver real-time asset health, holistic cybersecurity, regulatory compliance and enterprise energy management.

Today various civilian agencies including the Department of Energy, the Department of Interior, the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as well as a broad number of installations in the Department of Defense use the PI System. As a result of the PI System’s unrivaled speed, reliability and scalability, 100 percent of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations are able to ensure the security and stability of our nation’s power grid.

Founded in 1980, OSIsoft, LLC is privately held and headquartered in San Leandro, Calif., with regional offices located worldwide, including the Washington, D.C. metro area. Learn more at www.osisoft.com/federal and http://www.osisoft.com.

About Project Performance Company, LLC

PPC is a leading information technology and management consulting firm, delivering mission critical solutions to federal, state and local governments and commercial industry. It is best known for energy management and environmental sustainability consulting, records and knowledge management solutions, information systems development and integration, and cybersecurity and information assurance services. With offices in the D.C. metropolitan area and elsewhere across the nation, PPC serves Fortune 500 decision makers and federal, state and local government agencies to meet mission critical challenges. Visit www.PPC.com for more information.