The Optical Society (OSA) is pleased to announce three new editors-in-chief. Christoph Hitzenberger, P. Scott Carney and Alexandra Boltasseva have been appointed as the new editors-in-chief of Biomedical Optics Express, Journal of the Optical Society of America A and Optical Materials Express, respectively.

  • Christoph Hitzenberger, Biomedical Optics Express (BOEx), is associate professor of medical physics, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, where he also serves as the vice head of the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Hitzenberger is a Fellow of OSA and is active within the Society. He has served as an Optics Express Associate Editor and as a BOEx Advisory Editor and guest editor. He is currently the Chair for the Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy Program Committee for the OSA BIOMED 2016 conference and Chair of OSA’s Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award Committee. He is the second editor-in-chief of BOEx, following Joseph A. Izatt, professor of biomedical engineering, Duke University, North Carolina, USA, who, as founding editor-in-chief, successfully led the Journal from 2010 through 2015. Commenting on his appointment, Hitzenberger shared, “Since Biomedical Optics Express launched in 2010, I have followed its development and growth with great interest and enthusiasm, and I now consider it to be the premier Journal in our field. By building on its strengths, my goal is to maintain this leadership position and continue to attract the industry’s most innovative biomedical optics research.”
  • P. Scott Carney, Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A), is professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Optical Science Group, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. Carney is a Fellow of OSA and has served as Deputy Editor of JOSA A since 2014. Prior to his position as Deputy Editor, he served as a Topical Editor for JOSA A and also as Program Chair of OSA’s Frontiers in Optics Program Committee from 2013-2014. Carney takes over the editorial role from Franco Gori, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, who has successfully led the Journal for the last six years. Remarking on his appointment, Carney stated, “I am pleased and honored to be the seventh editor-in-chief of JOSA A. The Journal has been at the center of my professional life since I was a student at the University of Rochester, and I continue to look to it for important discoveries in the field. During this year of celebration for OSA’s Centennial, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to lead this 100 year-old Journal into the next century of discovery.”
  • Alexandra Boltasseva, Optical Materials Express (OMEx), is associate professor in the school of electrical and computer engineering and Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, Indiana, USA. She is a Fellow of OSA, and she has served as a Topical Editor for Optics Letters. Boltasseva takes over this role from David J. Hagan, University of Central Florida, Florida, USA, and founding editor-in-chief, who successfully served the Journal since 2011. When asked about her new role, Boltasseva stated, “My goal as editor-in-chief is to build on the existing strengths of Optics Materials Express and to expand the topical coverage by highlighting emerging directions in research. In its first few years of publication, the Journal has shown that it effectively supports the integration of optical and materials sciences, and I am excited about the opportunities to carry on down this path and ensure that it continues to best serve the needs of the community.”

Commenting on the appointment of these three new Editors-in-Chief, Elizabeth Nolan, deputy executive director and chief publishing officer, The Optical Society stated, “We are delighted that these exceptional individuals have taken the helms of their respective journals. All three editors-in-chief bring a wealth of experience to their new roles, and their strong leadership, technical expertise, and knowledge of scientific publishing will ensure the continued success of all three journals. I look forward to working with them in the coming years.”

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