Regulatory News:

The following is a statement of ORPEA:

An article published in today’s Le Monde newspaper reveals the first elements of a book to be published targeting ORPEA (Paris:ORP). These elements, which are both polemical and aggressive, demonstrate a clear desire to harm the Group. We formally reject all of these accusations, which we consider to be false, outrageous and prejudicial.

Such attacks are unfortunately not new but are extremely violent in a context where our teams have been more engaged than ever over the past two years due to the health crisis. We cannot allow such sensationalist and misleading drifts to tarnish the image of ORPEA and the sector.

For thirty years, ORPEA, its managers and employees have always placed the well-being of residents, the support of teams and professional ethics at the heart of their actions and the Company’s development. Every year, the Group conducts a satisfaction survey among its residents and families, carried out by an independent external organization. The latest results show an average recommendation rate of 95%.

Furthermore, ORPEA operates in a sector that is subject to strict regulations and regular controls by the public authorities. It would obviously not have been able to ensure its development in France and internationally if it had not scrupulously respected its obligations.

ORPEA, which does not yet have a copy of the book, has already contacted its lawyers to take all necessary steps, including legal action, to set the record straight and defend its honor and that of its employees, who carry out their admirable mission on a daily basis with professional integrity and commitment.

About ORPEA (

Founded in 1989, ORPEA is one of the major world leaders in comprehensive long-term care, with a network of 1,156 facilities comprising 116,514 beds (26,359 of which are under construction) across 23 countries, which are divided into five geographical regions:

- France Benelux: 586 facilities/49,207 beds (5,672 of which are under construction)
- Central Europe: 268 facilities/28,419 beds (5,828 of which are under construction)
- Eastern Europe: 142 facilities/15,255 beds (4,101 of which are under construction)
- Iberian Peninsula/Latin America: 158 facilities/23,108 beds (10,373 of which are under construction)
- Rest of the world: 2 facilities/525 beds (385 of which are under construction)

ORPEA is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN code: FR0000184798) and is a member of the SBF 120, STOXX 600 Europe, MSCI Small Cap Europe and CAC Mid 60 indices.