New Year’s fireworks won’t be the only loud bangs heard in the United Kingdom ushering in 2018. January 2018 will see the deadline for investment firms in the United Kingdom to comply with the Markets in Financial Instrument Directive (MiFID II) which puts additional reporting requirements on financial advisors.

There are many facets to the reporting compliance requirement changes from the MiFID II including the recording of all clients calls (interactions) and the production of written documentation for face-to-face meetings. Included in the list of information to be captured for financial advisor meetings is identification of parties present at the meeting, location of the meeting, the party responsible for running the meeting (initiator), and documentation of all orders requested and transmitted during the meeting.

How can a financial advisor meet these new requirements? The most logical first step for an investment firm to consider is the traditional conference call. While this seems to be the most cost-effective method (more on that later), it does not in and of itself, meet the basic requirements of MiFID II such as identity verification, documentation, and a written audit trail of all transactions performed during the meeting without some heavy work post conference call.

The next most logical step for an investment firm to consider is a webinar platform. This type of service offers more robust features to meet the MiFID II meeting documentation requirements, but also would require work after the meeting to document discussions, identities of meeting attendees and transactions performed.

What if there were a solution that could meet the MiFID II recordkeeping requirements and likely cost less than the conference call/after work expense or the webinar/after call work expense?

Welcome to SuiteBox where we close more deals. Anywhere. Anytime. SuiteBox is a virtual meeting room technology with full video of up to four parties present in a meeting, full audio of the entire meeting discussion, time/date stamp audit trail of all documents presented and executed during the meeting, and a full video of the entire interaction that is uploaded and stored in the subscriber’s SuiteBox account for the entire time the subscription is available (days, years, etc.).

The subscriber gets UNLIMITED meetings for the monthly subscription fee. No per minute charges (conference call services), no additional costs for video recording services, and no after meeting work to document as the audit trail is already completed for all transactions. It does not get much more efficient than that! SuiteBox can also be used for face-to-face meetings simply by starting the application and pointing the laptop camera/mike at the meeting. Most advisors will realize a cost savings over their current meeting methods/technologies BEFORE incurring the increased cost burdens of MiFID II. SuiteBox can have you up and running in a few hours as opposed to days, weeks, or months that many technology implementation plans require.

If you are looking for ways to make your MiFID II compliance requirements as efficient and low cost as possible, visit SuiteBox at for a free trial today. We have advisors located in the United Kingdom ready to assist you. Move the MiFID II transaction reporting requirements from your New Year’s “to do” list to your “done” list with no large budget changes (it’s that cost effective). Are you ready for MiFID II, we are at SuiteBox!!!!

About SuiteBox

SuiteBox is a digital workspace for professional services, enabling you to meet with your clients whenever, and wherever they are, helping you increase revenue and protect your business.

Our cutting edge technology brings secure video meeting collaboration tools to your meeting- screen share any documents, tools, applications- with the latest digital signing and verification technology, to accelerate sales and grow your business faster.

With regulations and compliance requirements becoming more and more onerous for professional services businesses, the importance of recording meetings and signatures on applications, documents, and proposals will become increasingly more important. Protect your business from getting sued or fined in the digital signature age with SuiteBox!