Regulatory News:

New AREVA and its Chinese partner China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) signed today in Beijing, in the presence of the President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, and the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, a memorandum of commercial agreement for the Chinese commercial used fuel treatment-recycling plant project.

Through this memorandum, New AREVA and CNNC reaffirm their mutual commitment to complete the negotiations of the contract for the Chinese commercial used fuel treatment-recycling plant project at the soonest, to launch the project in 2018, and acknowledge the substantial progress made in the negotiation during the past few months.

The Chinese treatment-recycling plant (800 tons capacity) will be built on the model of the La Hague and Melox plants recognized for their proven technologies, highest standards of safety and security, and industrial performance.

Philippe Knoche, Chief Executive Officer of New AREVA, commented: "CNNC and New AREVA have stepped up their efforts to reach agreement on the contract and we are seeing today very positive results. I am looking forward to finalizing the negotiations soon, and starting the implementation of this landmark project with our partner CNNC in 2018.”

New AREVA transforms nuclear materials so that they can be used to support the development of society, first and foremost in the field of energy.
The group offers products, technologies and services with high added value throughout the entire nuclear fuel cycle, with activities encompassing mining, uranium chemistry, enrichment, used fuel recycling, logistics, dismantling and engineering.
New AREVA and its 16,000 employees bring to bear their expertise and their mastery of cutting-edge technology, as well as their permanent search for innovation and their unwavering dedication to safety, to serve their customers in France and abroad.

Tour AREVA – 1 Place Jean Millier – 92400 COURBEVOIE – France – Tel : +33 (0)1 34 96 00 00 – Fax : +33 (0)1 34 96 00 01