Nanigans, the leader in performance advertising software, today announced record international business growth in 2017. Following its North American launch of incrementality optimization, and bolstered by the momentum of the in-house advertising movement, Nanigans reported 49 percent year-over-year growth in annual Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) revenue from markets outside of North America.

The company will expand access to its incremental revenue platform to the European and Asia-Pacific markets later this year, where demand is high. Nanigans’ clients in those regions have expressed interest in leveraging the platform to advertise to consumers based on predicted incrementality as a way of generating higher net-new revenue for their digital media spend.

“eMarketer has forecast that retail ecommerce sales worldwide will rise to $2.8 trillion in 2018, with more than half of that coming from the Asia-Pacific market. This marks the first time ecommerce sales will surpass 11 percent of total retail sales worldwide,” said Ric Calvillo, co-founder and CEO of Nanigans. “With more retailers than ever relying on ecommerce to build customer relationships and grow revenue profitability, effective digital advertising is playing an increasingly critical factor. Across our global customer base, advertisers are demanding new solutions to measure and optimize this key driver of their business.”

As the most mobile-focused region of the globe, Asia is a leader in the current ecommerce boom. Mobile commerce sales in India will total $16 billion in 2017, an increase of 60 percent, the largest growth rate of any country tracked by eMarketer. Hopscotch, an Indian online retailer of baby products, taps Nanigans’ platform to reach high-value shoppers and increase purchase rates and average order values.

“We’re taking a very customer-focused approach to advertising and we’re seeing record high customer retention,” said Anirudh Dharmagadi, head of marketing at Hopscotch. “Nanigans’ predictive ad optimization enables Hopscotch to more profitably grow sales revenue. By bidding and budgeting our dynamic ads with a sharp focus on ROI, we can more effectively reach our most profitable customers. Nanigans and improvements in our business operations over the past year have helped us scale our ad spend 6X, grow purchase rates 9 percent and increase return on ad spend 7 percent — all resulting in millions of dollars in new revenue for Hopscotch.”

To learn more about how Nanigans is helping global marketers generate incremental revenue, please visit:

About Nanigans, Inc.
Nanigans arms marketing teams to drive incremental revenue with the most powerful and transparent cross-channel buying platform. Sophisticated commerce advertisers currently optimize more than $700M in annual ad spend through the Nanigans platform. Nanigans is headquartered in Boston with offices in New York, San Francisco, London, Singapore and Seoul. For more information on Nanigans, please visit