In an effort to speed up innovation in the fast-growing digital ink technology market, the Digital Stationery Consortium, Inc. (DSC) today announced that industry heavyweights Samsung and Montblanc have joined the DSC at the Contributor level, the first tier of membership in the organization. Together, with founding member Wacom, the DSC’s goal is to establish digital stationery as a new market category, a huge step forward toward the era of seamless, high-quality digital pen and ink experiences that transform entire industries and bring new levels of productivity and creativity to billions of people around the world.

The DSC, the premier organization for promoting the accelerated growth of the digital ink ecosystem, will welcome Montblanc and Samsung to its Board of Directors and present on the digital ink ecosystem at Wacom’s Connected Ink event, in Las Vegas, on Jan. 6, 2017.

The DSC is also accepting applications for the Promoter level, the second tier of membership, which will account for the large part of the organization.

“DSC’s membership growth reflects the overall acknowledgment of the essential role digital ink technology continues to play in harnessing the power of digital pens and digital ink,” said Masahiko Yamada, DSC chairman, and president and CEO of Wacom. “We’re pleased to welcome Samsung and Montblanc. Their innovation and experience will help the DSC create a world where everyone can freely capture, shape and share new ideas beyond the boundaries of technology, operating systems, ecosystems, industries or countries.”

As part of the DSC, members will work to establish digital ink as universal, open and smart content format based on the Wacom Ink Layer Language (WILL™). WILL’s digital ink technology ensures cross-compatibility of ink data, allowing businesses and consumers to freely communicate and collaborate across digital devices, operating systems, hardware platforms and cloud services.

Global leader and award-winning innovator Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is well known for its commitment to advancing stylus and digital ink technologies: “We are thrilled to be working with such a dynamic, cutting edge association. The DSC provides unparalleled opportunities to take the digital ink market to the next level,” said Peter Koo, senior vice president and head of the Technology Strategy Team, Mobile Communications at Samsung Electronics. “We are looking forward to working with our distinguished members to create digital ink advancement opportunities for the benefit of the society and the industry.”

Montblanc, the German Maison known for its writing instruments, timepieces, leather goods and jewellery, joins the DSC to establish digital ink as universal, open and smart content format: “The DSC’s vision — to make digital ink a seamless user experience — is one we share at Montblanc," said Dr. Felix Obschonka, associate director new technologies, Montblanc. “As the world has become more digital, advancements in ink and pen technologies have become essential to navigating augmented worlds. We look forward to being part of DSC’s efforts to drive the coming digital ink evolution.

Thought Leadership at Connected Ink Las Vegas
At the upcoming Connected Ink event in Las Vegas, Jan. 6, 2017, the DSC Chair Masahiko Yamada will welcome the new members, present on the DSC vision, and host a networking reception to discuss membership and market opportunities. Individuals from DSC member and non-member companies are invited to register to attend and participate in this important event and reception.

DSC Membership Benefits
All companies interested in the digital ink ecosystem are encouraged to become DSC members. DSC membership levels, Contributors and Promoters, are open to companies across any business vertical, including technology, design, education, automotive, Internet of Things and more. Members receive access to Wacom’s WILL™ technology as well as the opportunity to become involved in various membership initiatives and member-only meetings.

About DSC
Founded by Wacom, The Digital Stationery Consortium is an association of global industries and thought leaders with the shared mission to advocate the value of human creativity and to lead the creation of a new market category of smart digital stationery solutions that are serving any creative minds in a most natural and intuitive way. The consortium’s focus is to establish digital ink as a universal, open and smart content format and a common framework for sharing and collaborating with ideas based on WILL™ digital ink. For more information about DSC and its membership benefits, please visit