In the last elections in 2019, he won 303 of the 543 seats in the lower house of parliament. This year, he is aiming for 400, ignoring the alliance of a large number of opposition parties under the INDIA banner. It has to be said that some opponents were imprisoned before the election period, and others had their campaign accounts frozen by the institutions.

Despite this repression, soaring food prices, growing unemployment, constant insecurity, faltering industry and agriculture, and discrimination in favor of the Hindu religion, which has a large majority, the Modi cult seems intact, with an estimated 80% popularity rating.

A native of the state of Gujarat, the 73-year-old candidate has built up a star persona over the years: a great orator, a fervent religious believer, a capitalist who has given India international stature, as well as endowing it with insolent economic growth and vast social welfare programs. However, inequality is at its highest level since the 1950s. The mechanics are well-oiled, the image is well-groomed, communication is strictly controlled, and the product is well-sold.

Critics argue that it has authoritatively repressed parliament, the courts, the press and civil society, instrumentalized institutions and neglected multicultural values. institutions, neglected the country's multicultural values, and would like to see a sign of retreat in a turnout that is already lower than in the 2019 elections.

His supporters see him as incorruptible, powerful, modern, close to both the people and the upper castes. The "King of Hindu Hearts" claims to be at one with the nation. This is probably what will happen if he is re-elected on June 4. In the event of victory, the absorption of other opposition parties is not out of the question. Until there's just one left?


Drawing by Amandine Victor