The Hungarian Ministry for National Economy is organizing a tripartite seminar together with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on 11 January 2013 in Budapest, Hungary, to examine the challenges of labour market integration of young people and to present measures aiming to improve their employment situation.

The labour market situation and unemployment of young people are major economic and social challenges of this decade. The long-term unemployment of young people will have lasting negative impact on their labour market and social integration. At a time of crisis, the labour market situation of young people is a crucial issue in Hungary as well as in the European Union and elsewhere.

The objective of the seminar, co-organised by the Ministry for National Economy and the ILO, is to raise awareness regarding the necessity and the urgency of measures and actions for improving the labour market situation of youth. The seminar will present initiatives of the ILO and the EU, as well as the strategies and measures of the Hungarian Government aiming at tackling youth unemployment. The seminar will provide an opportunity to become acquainted with international examples of best practice, and also to discuss the role of the social partners and civil society in the improvement of the employment situation of young people.

The main speakers will be Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the ILO, László Andor, European Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and Sándor Czomba Dr., Minister of State for Employment. Other participants will be representatives of the Hungarian government, workers' and employers' organizations, civil society organizations, other national stakeholders and representatives of UN agencies located in Budapest.

(Ministry for National Economy)

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