Jakarta, 01/29/2015 MoF - Chairman of Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) Fadel Muhammad said that the government and DPR should conduct further discussion related to the State Capital Investment (PMN) to the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). It is intended to gain a thorough understanding of relevant aspects of the PMN.

"Commission XI of the House of Representatives still needs time to obtain a comprehensive picture of the various aspects related to PNM. It needs further discussion with the Minister of Finance and Minister of State Owned Enterprises," he said when reading the conclusion of the Meeting with the Government in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (28/1).

Commission XI understands the government's efforts to realize its priority programs which focus on better quality of economic growth. "As stated in the development targets set in RAPBN-P 2015 in the form of reduction in Gini ratio, poverty, unemployment and an increase in the Human Development Index (HDI)," he explained.

For information, the government plans to increase the budget for the State Capital Investment (PMN) for 42 SOEs (see also:  Government Adds PMN For 42 SOEs). In RAPBN-P 2015, budget allocation for PMN is IDR72.97 trillion. (as)

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