Press Release


Vice-President of the European Commission Antonio Tajani today presented the new industrial-policy initiative "For a European Industrial Renaissance". The Commission's initiative aims to strengthen the industrial competitiveness in the European Union and trigger new economic dynamism in the EU Member States.

Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel said: "The Commission's proposals point in the right direction. The initiative shows that the Commission is clearly committed to boosting industry in Europe. This is a positive and important signal since Europe needs a strong industrial sector. Industrial firms drive innovation, generate growth and create jobs; in addition, they can help especially the EU Member States that are affected by the financial crisis to regain their economic dynamism. For this reason, the Commission's proposals should be implemented quickly. In this context, it must be guaranteed that our companies enjoy attractive framework conditions. Therefore, we will always also take a close look at the question of industrial competitiveness when it comes to the impact of new EU initiatives.

The new Communication from the Commission provides an overview of the existing industrial-policy measures and describes future priorities. The Commission aims to make the Single Market more attractive for companies, to promote entrepreneurial innovation, to secure the supply of raw materials and to press ahead with the internationalisation of European enterprises.

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