Market Vectors Index Solutions (MVIS) today announced the licensing of the Market Vectors Russia Index (MVRSX) to Van Eck Global. Effective on or about 16 March 2012, Market Vectors Russia ETF (NYSE Arca: RSX) will begin tracking the Market Vectors Russia Index.

"We are delighted to provide the index benchmark for the largest Russia-focused ETF globally", said Lars Hamich, Chief Executive Officer at MVIS. "The implementation of strict liquidity and market capitalisation standards to index companies combined with pure-play methodology and diversification criteria make the index highly investable, thus the Market Vectors Russia Index the ideal index tool to serve as the basis for an ETF", said Mr. Hamich.

The pure-play methodology is a unique key feature for Market Vectors Indices as it better reflects today's reality of economies than conventional index concepts. The pure-play approach expands local Russian exposure to include offshore companies that generate at least 50 per cent of their revenues in Russia.

Market Vectors Russia Index

The Market Vectors Russia Index has a market capitalisation of USD 650 billion with 45 components and the following top companies and top sectors as of 30 December 2011:

Top five companies: Lukoil (8.55%), Gazprom (8.15%), Sberbank (6.80%), Norilsk Nickel (6.23%), Novatek (6.06%).

Top five sectors : Energy (41.62%), Materials (21.29%), Telecommunication Service (12.03%), Financials (11.21%), Utilities (6.28%).

Detailed information about the Market Vectors Russia Index, including methodology details and comprehensive data is available on

Note to Editors:

About Market Vectors Index Solutions GmbH

Market Vectors Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS) develops, monitors and licenses the Market Vectors Indices, a selection of focused, investable and diversified benchmark indices which are especially designed to underlie financial products. Market Vectors Indices cover several asset classes, including commodity and international equity markets as well as fixed income markets and are licensed to serve as underlying indices for financial products. Approximately USD 5.6 billion in assets under management are currently invested in financial products based on Market Vectors Indices. MVIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Van Eck Associates Corporation (also known as Van Eck Global).

Market Vectors Index Solutions
Lars Hamich, +49 (0)69 4056 695 10
MacMillan Communications
Mike MacMillan, +1-212-473-4442