Current Report No 19/2012

Made on 2012-01-20
The issuer's short name Magellan S.A.
Subject The Company's share buy-back programme
Legal grounds Art. 56 title 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodical information
Report content:
Magellan S.A. hereby informs that on 19 January 2012 Magellan S.A. Management Board, pursuant to an authorization given by Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 18 January 2011 (Resolution No
4/2011), was given by DI BRE Bank S.A. an information that 218 Magellan S.A. shares were acquired on the Company's account. The transactions took place on 19 January 2012 and its average price was PLN 38.00 per share.
The nominal value of acquired shares is PLN 0.30 per share and they represent 0.0033% of share capital of Magellan S.A. and give 218 votes at the General Shareholders' Meeting. Total number of shares acquired by the Company is 81,155 and it represents 1.2458% of share capital of Magellan S.A. and gives 81,155 votes at the Meeting.
The Company's share buy-back programme is aimed at offering to the beneficiaries of the Management Options Scheme the Company's shares in accordance with the Management Options Scheme introduced by the resolution of the General Shareholders' Meeting held on 6 May 2009 (Resolution No
Legal grounds: § 5 title 1 point 6 of the Ordinance of Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 with regard to current and periodical information (…).
Proxy of Magellan S.A.
Director of Reporting and Analysis Department
Zofia Jaruga

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