Yun Luo, director of Grenoble-based start-up Rosi Solar, which is recycling silicone and silver from end-of-life photovoltaic panels, said they could contribute to Europe's energy independence.

A collaboration between Air Liquide and Siemens is hoping to scale up production of electrolysis modules, for carbon-free hydrogen production.

Space agency CNES said they hope to have a launch in 2023, and presented a prototype of a rocket launcher, Prometheus.

The Franco-German summit was postponed from October due to tensions between Paris and Berlin on issues such as Germany's anti-inflation plan, a European jet fighter project and measures to address the energy crisis.

In a joint editorial two days ago, Macron and Scholz said they wanted to build together a Europe for the next generation and that they shared the same ambition of a resilient, powerful and sovereign Europe.