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ASX Announcement

9th January 2012

Liberty notified of $20 million funding agreement for Cuesta Coal IPO


Further to previous announcements, Liberty Resources is pleased to announce that it has received notice that Cuesta Coal Ltd ("Cuesta") has executed a $20 million funding agreement for its anticipated IPO.
In 2011, Liberty agreed to vary its Agreement with Cuesta's wholly owned subsidiary Blackwood Coal Pty Ltd ("Blackwood") whereby instead of receiving $2million worth of shares in the IPO of Cuesta (plus a 20% premium if escrowed), Liberty would receive
$1,200,000 cash if an IPO was achieved by 31 December. Liberty expects to finalize an
extension to the timing based on the revised listing date in the near future.
Liberty shareholders approved the Blackwood/Cuesta transaction at the Extraordinary
General Meeting held in December.
Cuesta has reached conditional agreement with Beijing Guoli Energy Investment Co. Ltd ("Guoli") and its related entities where Guoli has agreed to invest in Cuesta subject to the completion of satisfactory due diligence. The investment is for a total AUD$20 million and is proposed to be made in two stages: