Minneapolis, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leapgen, a global digital transformation company shaping the Now of Work, delivers Fuel, an inspiring kickoff event for 2021; announces a new change practice to ensure transformation work is sustained and impactful; and significantly expands both its client roster and deep bench of talent as the demand for digital transformation and workforce enablement accelerates.


Leapgen propelled the Human Resources function and workforce technology industry into 2021 with Fuel, a two-day digital kickoff event designed to instill the mindset required for digital transformation, build necessary skills, and style the experience and technology needed to fuel the Now of Work. With more than 750 registrants, a dozen speakers, and nine unique breakout sessions, Leapgen’s talented team of advisors, consultants, and change leaders delivered bleeding-edge approaches on digital change experience for transformation, design thinking for personalized workforce experience, storytelling skills for business, emerging and provocative workforce technology solutions for 2021, and making a business case for new initiatives in the Now of Work. 

Fuel lit a match:

  • “Fuel was so well executed across the board; I have been to lots of conferences and even paid for some that were not as great as Fuel." 
  • "You have left me much to think about!" 
  • "Timely and important topics, great thought leadership.”
  • "Leapgen is really an amazing company. There are only a few companies that can truly make a difference, and you are one of those."
  • "Great idea and timing. People needed to be lifted up, and you achieved that."

“This is our rallying cry,” explains Jason Averbook, CEO and Co-Founder of Leapgen, “our time to sit down, think about our strategy and vision, and realize digital is here to stay. Work has changed forever. Let’s not debate it. It’s more human and humane. It requires more flexibility, more agility; it’s distant yet together, and it’s much more team-based. There is a future, but the future is now.”

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that organizations require new ways to rethink how they organize and operate. The ability to unlearn and learn anew is good for businesses, great for their people, and may be the key to a more sustainable economic climate for all of us. Leapgen is here to help digitalize operations of the people function to better serve the needs of today’s workforce. Email hello@leapgen.com for resources shared at Fuel or to book a discovery session.


During this 2021 kickoff event, Leapgen formally announced a new change enablement practice led by David Henschel and Emily Liddle, top consultants for digital change experience. Leapgen’s advisory and coaching services now enable enterprises to meet their digital transformation objectives by using change as a workforce accelerator and not a risk mitigator.

Crisis can be a timely catapult for necessary change. However, “three out of four transformation programs fail to meet their objectives,” explains Henschel. “That’s because we don’t support transformational change with proactive intention, design, and an operating model that can help realize outcomes. What if we approached organizational change with a mission to DO CHANGE WELL - to embrace it as a growth agent, business stimulator, digital capability driver, experience driver, and people accelerator? That’s when change makes progress not just possible, but an asset.”

Liddle adds, “The programmatic and strategic work of digital transformation cannot wait, nor can it be fully realized or sustained, without infusing change capabilities into the organization. Enterprises need to build change muscle and enable their people to be stewards of change – we call this ‘democratizing change’ – or transformation will be temporary.” ”

On our February 24 edition of Leapgen’s Monthly Digital Series, change experts will share an innovative approach for “A Digital Change Experience that Sticks.” Those responsible for addressing workforce experience or technology design, modernizing HR operations or service delivery, or generally enabling the workforce should register here. For immediate help for your organization, email hello@leapgen.com.


Shaping the Now of Work has never been more urgent, more critical to business continuity, and more mission-critical to organizational success and the humanization of work. Leapgen rose to the challenge alongside enterprises around the world in 2020, growing its business in the Asia Pacific region, doubling down on its subscription-based coaching-as-a-service model, fueling its team for growth, and increasing top-line revenue by nearly 100%. 

Enterprises around the world, the functions of Human Resources and Technology, and the vendors in this industry who craft and innovate workforce solutions are embracing the most significant opportunity we’ll see in our lifetime to drive meaningful change. “Transformation is not only exciting and necessary, it’s human,” explains Averbook. “It’s about making work better for people by meeting them where they are, fully embracing and honoring the way they want to work, and designing an experience that not only meets their needs but empowers them and unlocks their potential. This kind of transformation is not just good business, it’s the human thing to do. It’s the most inclusive thing you can do. Showing personalized care for people is the only way to do business in 2021 and beyond, and it’s the only way to approach digital transformation.”


Leapgen is a global digital transformation company shaping the Now of Work. Highly respected as a visionary partner to organizations looking to design and deliver a digital workforce experience that will produce valued outcomes, Leapgen helps enterprise leaders rethink how to better design and deliver workforce services and architect HR technology solutions that meet the expectations of workers and the needs of the business. Contact us to get started.

Jess Von Bank