Jeffrey H. Kinrich, Managing Principal at Analysis Group, Inc., and Everett P. Harry III, senior partner at Harry-Torchiana LLP, have co-edited a comprehensive new book entitled, Lost Profits Damages: Principles, Methods, and Applications. The book, bringing together current thinking on an important litigation topic, is a practical, single-source reference for practitioners and others interested in areas related to lost profits, damages, and business valuation.

Intended for damages analysts, accountants, and litigation attorneys, Mr. Kinrich's and Mr. Harry’s book covers a comprehensive range of topics in the field, including selecting appropriate methodologies, carrying out analyses, and defending work during a legal proceeding. Following a broad overview of the nature of lost profits damages, each subsequent chapter builds on the topics addressed earlier.

The book draws upon in-depth knowledge from 45 experts, including nine colleagues of Kinrich at Analysis Group, one of the largest private economics consulting firms with more than 800 professionals across 13 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Among the topics addressed by members of Analysis Group are a general introduction to lost profits (co-authored by Managing Principal John C. Jarosz and Principal Robert L. Vigil); proving loss causation (co-authored by Vice President Peter Rybolt); analyzing cost behavior (co-authored by Principal Elizabeth A. Eccher and Vice President James Rosberg, with Mr. Kinrich); using net cash flow versus accrual net income (co-authored by Managing Principal Bruce A. Strombom); and achieving lost sales as a consideration in damages analyses (co-authored by Managing Principals Rebecca Kirk Fair and Aaron Yeater). Other contributors represent well-respected firms such as Deloitte and KMPG.

Recent endorsements of the book include the following:

“Every business litigator and every expert who testifies about lost profits needs to have this book. It discusses in depth important topics that aren't dealt with in other books on lost profits.”

- Bob Lloyd, JD, Professor Emeritus, University of Tennessee Knoxville School of Law, Knoxville, TN

“Lost Profits Damages is a must read for any trial lawyer dealing with financial experts and damages. Every chapter identifies areas of potential cross-examination and potential pitfalls for the practitioner. The comparative analysis of business valuation and lost profit methodologies is particularly helpful, as is the framework for addressing costs in a lost profit analysis. Well done!”

- Patrick J. Richard, JD, trial lawyer, winner of the 2014 California Lawyer of the Year award

"This book sets the bar... The contributors have delivered a book that provides great content and visuals to illustrate important concepts. This comprehensive book is a must-have for aspiring and experienced lost profits damages experts."

- Roberto H. Castro, JD, MST, MBA, CVA, CPVA, CMEA, BCMHV, Managing Member of Central Washington Appraisal, Economics & Forensics, LLC; Technical Editor of QuickRead; columnist, The Value Examiner

The Editors:

  • Mr. Kinrich, MBA, MS, CPA, ABV, CFF, is a Managing Principal at Analysis Group. He has often testified on damages, valuation, and accounting issues in federal and state courts and other dispute resolution forums. Over his 30-year career, he has directed numerous large-scale analyses involving a broad range of litigation areas. A certified public accountant, he specializes in damage quantification and valuation in the areas of commercial litigation and intellectual property, and writes and speaks on these topics frequently.
  • Mr. Harry, MBA, CPA, CFF, is the Senior Partner of Harry-Torchiana LLP and has focused for over 40 years on accounting, financial, and disputes consulting involving government contracts, commercial litigation, and individual losses. He has extensive experience representing both plaintiffs and defendants for claims of lost profits, lost business value, and breach-of-contract damages. He is a past president of the San Francisco chapter and past chair of the State Litigation Consulting Services Committee of the California Society of CPAs. He served on the AICPA Litigation and Dispute Resolution Services Subcommittee and was a member of the AICPA Council.

About Analysis Group:

Analysis Group is one of the largest private economics consulting firms, with more than 800 professionals across 13 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Since 1981, we have provided expertise in economics, finance, health care analytics, and strategy to top law firms, Fortune Global 500 companies, and government agencies worldwide. Our internal experts, together with our network of affiliated experts from academia, industry, and government, offer our clients exceptional breadth and depth of expertise.