PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Fact Sheet
Consolidated Financial Data - Third Quarter, Fiscal 2015

Statement of Comprehensive Income for three months ended,

(As per IFRS)                              InINR crore, except share data
Particulars               Dec 31,      Growth (%)    Sep 30, 2014    Growth %
                      2014       2013                               Q3 15 over
                                                                      Q2 15

Revenues            13,796     13,026     5.9           13,342         3.4
Cost of sales        8,462      8,321     1.7            8,201         3.2
Gross Profit         5,334      4,705    13.4            5,141         3.8
Operating Expenses:
Selling and
marketing expenses     770        644    19.6              769         0.1
expenses               875        802     9.1              889        (1.6)
Total Operating
Expenses             1,645      1,446    13.8            1,658        (0.8)
Operating Profit     3,689      3,259    13.2            3,483         5.9
Other Income, net      840        731    14.9              877        (4.2)
Profit before
income taxes         4,529      3,990    13.5            4,360         3.9
Income tax expense   1,279      1,115    14.7            1,264         1.2
Net Profit           3,250      2,875    13.0            3,096         5.0
Earnings per equity share
Basic (INR)          28.44      25.16    13.0            27.09         5.0
Diluted (INR)        28.44      25.16    13.0            27.09         5.0

Statement of Comprehensive Income for nine months ended,

(As per IFRS)                           InINR crore, except share data

Particulars                       Dec 31,       Growth (%)
                             2014       2013

Revenues                   39,908     37,258       7.1
Cost of sales              24,709     24,024       2.9
Gross Profit               15,199     13,234      14.8
Operating Expenses:
Selling and
marketing expenses          2,205      1,985      11.1
expenses                    2,611      2,489       4.9
Total Operating
Expenses                    4,816      4,474       7.6
Operating Profit           10,383      8,760      18.5
Other Income, net           2,546      1,818      40.0
Profit before
income taxes               12,929     10,578      22.2
Income tax expense          3,697      2,922      26.5
Net Profit                  9,232      7,656      20.6
Earnings per equity share
Basic (INR)                 80.79      66.99      20.6
Diluted (INR)               80.79      66.99      20.6

Statement of Comprehensive Income for three months ended,

(As per IFRS)

In US $ million, except share data

Particulars             Dec 31,    Growth (%)    Sep 30, 2014    Growth %
                   2014      2013                              Q3 15 over
                                                                  Q2 15

Revenues          2,218     2,100     5.6           2,201          0.8
Cost of sales     1,360     1,341     1.4           1,353          0.5
Gross Profit        858       759    13.0             848          1.2
Operating Expenses:
Selling and
marketing expenses  124       104    19.2             127         (2.4)
expenses            142       129    10.1             146         (2.7)
Total Operating
Expenses            266       233    14.2             273         (2.6)
Operating Profit    592       526    12.5             575          3.0
Other Income, net   136       117    16.2             144         (5.6)
Profit before income
taxes               728       643    13.2             719          1.3
Income tax expense  206       180    14.4             208         (1.0)
Net Profit          522       463    12.7             511          2.2
Earnings per equity share
Basic ($)          0.46      0.41    12.7            0.45          2.2
Diluted ($)        0.46      0.41    12.7            0.45          2.2	

Statement of Comprehensive Income for nine months ended,

(As per IFRS)

In US $ million, except share data

Particulars                        Dec 31,      Growth (%)
                               2014       2013

Revenues                      6,552     6,157      6.4
Cost of sales                 4,057     3,974      2.1
Gross Profit                  2,495     2,183     14.3
Operating Expenses:
Selling and
marketing expenses              362       327     10.7
expenses                        430       411      4.6
Total Operating
Expenses                        792       738      7.3
Operating Profit              1,703     1,445     17.9
Other Income, net               419       301     39.2
Profit before income taxes    2,122     1,746     21.5
Income tax expense              607       482     25.9
Net Profit                    1,515     1,264     19.9
Earnings per equity share
Basic ($)                      1.33      1.11     19.9
Diluted ($)                    1.33      1.11     19.9		

Revenues by Geographical Segment
(in %)

                           Quarter ended                       LTM
              Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013

North America     61.6          60.8         60.0          60.8       60.8
Europe            24.0          24.7         24.9          24.6       24.4
India              2.5           2.2          2.6           2.4        2.5
Rest of the world 11.9          12.3         12.5          12.2       12.3
Total            100.0         100.0        100.0         100.0      100.0

Revenues by Service Offering
(in %)

                              Quarter ended                     LTM
              Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013
Business IT
Services            62.8        63.0          61.3         62.8        61.3
Development         14.9        16.1          15.9         15.6        15.7
Maintenance         19.5        18.9          19.2         19.1        19.4
Management Services  8.2         7.9          6.9           7.8         7.1
Testing Services     9.1         9.4          8.7           9.3         8.5
Product Engineering
Services             3.4         3.4          3.2           3.4         3.2
Business Process
Management           5.4         5.1          5.3           5.3         5.2
Others               2.3         2.2          2.1           2.3         2.2
Consulting, Package
Implementation &
Others              32.6        32.4         33.4          32.4        33.3
Platforms and
Solutions            4.6         4.6          5.3           4.8         5.4
Products             2.9         2.9          3.8           3.1         3.8
BPM Platform         1.1         1.2          1.1           1.2         1.2
Others               0.6         0.5          0.4           0.5         0.4
Total              100.0       100.0        100.0         100.0       100.0	

Revenues by Project Type *

                           Quarter ended                        LTM
               Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013
Fixed Price         42.9          41.4        41.0        41.5        40.4
Time & Materials    57.1          58.6        59.0        58.5        59.6
Total              100.0         100.0       100.0       100.0       100.0

* Excluding products

Revenues by Industry

(in %)

                              Quarter ended                     LTM
              Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013
Banking & Financial Services,
Insurance           33.1         32.8        33.5          33.2        33.7
Banking & financial
services            26.8         26.8        27.2          27.1        27.2
Insurance            6.3          6.0         6.3           6.1         6.5
Manufacturing       23.4         23.3        22.8          23.2        22.7
Retail & Life
Sciences            23.5         23.4        24.6          23.7        24.3
Retail & CPG        14.9         15.3        16.0          15.4        15.7
Transport &
Logistics            1.5         1.5          1.6           1.6         1.7
Life Sciences        5.1         4.7          5.0           4.8         4.8
Healthcare           2.0         1.9          2.0           1.9         2.1
Energy, Utilities,
Communications &
Services            20.0        20.5         19.1          19.9        19.3
Energy & Utilities   4.9         5.5          5.2           5.2         5.1
Telecom              8.7         8.9          7.9           8.7         8.5
Others               6.4         6.1          6.0           6.0         5.7
Total              100.0       100.0        100.0         100.0       100.0	

Client Data

                               Quarter ended                 Year ended
                       Dec 31,   Sep 30,     Dec 31,     Mar 31,     Mar 31,
                        2014      2014        2013        2014        2013
Number of Clients
Active                   932       912         888         890         798
Added during the
period (gross)            59        49          54         238         235
Number of million dollar clients*
1 Million dollar +       532       526         495         501         448
5 Million dollar +       240       237         226         232         213
10 Million dollar +      154       150         148         148         137
25 Million dollar +       83        83          77          78          69
50 Million dollar +       46        43          41          42          40
75 Million dollar +       29        27          25          24          23
100 Million dollar +      14        13          15          13          12
200 Million dollar +       4         3           4           3           3
300 Million dollar +       -         -           1           1           -
Client contribution to revenues
Top client              3.2%      3.4%        3.7%        3.8%        3.8%
Top 5 clients          13.3%     13.6%       14.1%       14.4%       15.2%
Top 10 clients         22.4%     22.9%       23.5%       23.8%       24.6%
Repeat business        97.4%     98.1%       97.3%       97.7%       97.8%
Account receivables-
LTM(in days)#             61        63          65          62          64

*LTM (Last twelve months) Revenues
# excluding Lodestone

Effort and Utilization - Consolidated IT Services
(in %)

                            Quarter ended                        LTM
              Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014  Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013
Onsite              28.5         28.7         29.9         28.9         31.1
Offshore            71.5         71.3         70.1         71.1         68.9
Onsite              54.8         54.6         55.1         54.7         56.4
Offshore            45.2         45.4         44.9         45.3         43.6
Including trainees  75.7         75.2         72.5         74.7         71.2
Excluding trainees  82.7         82.3         76.9         80.5         75.0

Person Months Data - Consolidated IT Services	
(in %)

                           Quarter ended                        LTM
              Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014 Dec 31, 2013  Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013
Billed - Onsite   83,943      80,965       79,375        323,302      320,249
- Offshore       210,273     201,333      185,744        793,467      708,760
TOTAL            294,216     282,298      265,119      1,116,769    1,029,009
Non Billable      61,564      60,742       79,618        271,117      342,705
Trainee           32,902      32,152       21,157        107,854       73,672
Sales & Support   23,115      22,770       22,724         90,512       93,184
TOTAL            411,797     397,962      388,618      1,586,252    1,538,570

Consolidated IT Services

                               Quarter ended
	        Dec 31,   Sequential  Sep 30, Sequential   Dec 31,  Sequential
                 2014       growth %   2014     growth %    2013      growth %

Effort - (Person months)
Onsite          83,943        3.7     80,965      1.1      79,375      (3.4)
Offshore       210,273        4.4    201,333      3.8     185,744       2.6
Total          294,216        4.2    282,298      3.0     265,119       0.7
Revenues - ($ million)
Onsite        1,101.80        1.1   1,089.94      3.8    1,039.88      (1.3)
Offshore        907.82        0.2     906.34      3.4      846.15       4.8
Total         2,009.62        0.7   1,996.28      3.6    1,886.03       1.4

Dec 31,    Year on     Dec 31,   Year on
2014         Year       2013      Year
            growth               growth
              %                     %

  323,302     1.0     320,249     14.8
  793,467    12.0     708,760      9.5
1,116,769     8.5   1,029,009     11.1
 4,270.56     4.1    4,104.25     15.9
 3,540.72    11.7    3,169.30      7.7
 7,811.28     7.4    7,273.55     12.2

Revenue per FTE
(In US $)

                           Quarter ended                  Year Ended
                    Dec 31, 2014  Sep 30, 2014    Dec 31, 2013  Mar 31, 2014

Revenue per FTE -
Consolidated              52,701        52,365          51,555        52,029
Revenue per FTE -
IT Services               60,148        59,645          58,330        58,920

Employee Metrics

                           Quarter ended                     Year ended
              Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014  Dec 31, 2013 Mar 31, 2014 Mar 31, 2013

Total employees   1,69,638     1,65,411      1,58,404     1,60,405     1,56,688
S/W professionals 1,59,772     1,55,745      1,48,740     1,51,059     1,47,008
Billable          1,47,125     1,40,219       135,869     1,37,391     1,35,392
Banking product
group                5,345        5,367         6,977        6,254        7,249
Trainees             7,302       10,159         5,894        7,414        4,367
Sales & Support      9,866        9,666         9,664        9,346        9,680
Gross addition      13,154       14,255         6,682       39,985       37,036
Of which lateral
addition             6,094        4,774         3,333       12,247       16,781
Attrition            8,927       10,128         8,505       36,268       30,342
Net addition         4,227        4,127        (1,823)       3,717        6,694
Attrition % (LTM)*   20.4%        20.1%         18.1%        18.7%        16.3%
* Excluding subsidiaries

Infrastructure (as on Dec 31, 2014)

                     Completed              Work in progress      Land acquired
              Built-up area    No. of    Built-up area   No. of     during the
                (Sq. Ft.)       seats      (Sq. Ft.)     seats       Quarter

Bangalore       50,72,550      34,406        -            -            6.1
Bhubaneswar     10,20,292       4,974       4,67,434     4,692          -
Chandigarh      11,93,052       6,500        -            -             -
Chennai         42,58,386      25,342        -            -             -
Delhi - NCR      1,28,043         988       1,50,174     1,000          -
Hyderabad       42,80,751      26,319       7,87,640      -             -
Jaipur           3,74,139       3,422       4,04,106     4,000          -
Mangalore       19,45,636       6,902       6,04,000     4,800          -
ILI)*         1,15,16,757      15,661       5,30,813     5,000          -
Pune            60,87,205      37,115       6,04,823        -           -
hapuram          9,83,255       8,129      16,68,542     4,894          -
Global Centers  1,747,280      17,071           -           -           -
Total         3,86,07,346    1,86,829      52,17,532    24,386         6.1

*Infosys Leadership Institute

Rupee Dollar Rate ( INR )

                             Quarter ended                  Year ended
                    Dec 31,    Sep 30,     Dec 31,      Mar 31,     Mar 31,
                      2014       2014        2013         2014        2013

Period closing rate  63.04      61.75       61.81        59.92       54.29
Period average rate  62.16      60.63       62.03        60.75       54.54

Constant Currency Reporting

Reported revenues      Q3 15   Q2 15   Q1 15    Q4 14   Q3 14

Revenues ($ mn)        2,218   2,201   2,133    2,092   2,100
Sequential growth %      0.8     3.1     2.0    (0.4)     1.7
YoY growth %             5.6     6.5     7.1      7.9     9.9

Constant currency - Q o Q   Q3 15   Q2 15   Q1 15   Q4 14    Q3 14

Revenues ($ mn)             2,258   2,217   2,124   2,091    2,091
Sequential growth (%)         2.6     3.9     1.5    (0.4)     1.2

Constant currency - Y o Y   Q3 15   Q2 15   Q1 15   Q4 14    Q3 14

Revenues ($ mn)             2,265   2,197   2,123   2,109    2,122
YoY growth (%)                7.9     6.3     6.6     8.8     11.0


Basis of computation
1. Foreign exchange rates are as per FEDAI.
2. Average rates for major global currencies:

Average rate of USD    Q3 15  Q2 15  Q1 15  FY 14   Q4 14   Q3 14
AUD                     0.85   0.92   0.93   0.93    0.90    0.92
EURO                    1.25   1.32   1.37   1.35    1.37    1.37
GBP                     1.58   1.66   1.69   1.60    1.66    1.62

3. Proportion of revenues from major global currencies:

Revenue by currency (%) Q3 15   Q2 15   Q1 15  FY 14   Q4 14   Q3 14
AUD                       7.4     8.2     8.2    7.9     8.1     7.9
EURO                     10.3    10.4    10.6   10.3    10.8    10.4
GBP                       5.8     5.9     5.8    5.9     6.0     6.0

Q3 2015

Geographical segment - growth

North America grew by 2.1% sequentially; and 2.3% in constant currency.

Europe declined by 2.1% sequentially; and grew by 1.9% in constant currency.

India grew by 14.0% sequentially; and 16.7% in constant currency.

Rest of the world declined by 2.3% sequentially; and grew by 3.4 % in constant

Industry segment - growth

FSI grew by 1.8% sequentially; and 4.0% in constant currency.

MFG grew by 1.4% sequentially; and 2.9% in constant currency.

RCL grew by 1.1% sequentially; and 2.3% in constant currency.

ECS declined by 1.9% sequentially; and grew by 0.6% in constant currency.

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