La Défense, 25 January 2022

Indigo Group finalized two bolt-on acquisitions in France of the off-street parking activities of Transdev Group and of Covivio

In accordance with the agreements signed in June 2021, Indigo Group, the world leader in car parking and individual mobility, acquired (i) firstly the off-street parking activities of Transdev Group managed through its subsidiary Transdev Park and (ii) secondly the parking concessions and long-term leases portfolio of Covivio, managed by its subsidiary République SA.

Building on its established relationship with local authorities, Transdev Park operates in France approximately 60 car parks gathering more than 30,000 spaces, as well as more than 100,000 on-street spaces which are not part of the transaction. Indigo Group will acquire the entire off-street portfolio that generated a revenue of 21 million euros in 2019.

The c. 10 car parks under concessions and long-term leases of Covivio generated 20 million euros of revenue in 2019. Their average maturity is above 23 years1.

Serge Clémente, President of the Executive Board of Indigo Group, said: "With these acquisitions, Indigo Group is pursuing its profitable long-term growth strategy in its core business countries where it has a leading position, and reinforce its position as a key partner of the public and private sector for parking and individual mobility solutions. The Group is thus enriching its Infra portfolio by integrating parking facilities in complementary geographical locations, notably in Metz, Bordeaux, Marseille and the Greater Paris area, which will create significant operational synergies. In line with its policy of innovation and quality, Indigo Group will bring its expertise in terms of operations and quality of service with the ambition of promoting new urban models for parking infrastructures. Finally, I would like to welcome the Transdev Park employees dedicated to the parking activities who have joined us and who can now benefit from the opportunities offered by the Group in terms of personal and professional development, in particular via the Campus Indigo."

Furthermore, to address the upcoming challenges of urban mobility Indigo Group and Transdev, world-class players respectively in the car parking and in the transport markets, signed a partnership to join their expertise in combined transport and parking tenders as well as to provide joint services in MaaS (Mobility As A Service) projects led by local authorities.

Indigo Group also concluded a partnership agreement with Covivio to study partnership projects for certain parking lots owned by Covivio in France and the deployment of INDIGO®weel soft mobility solutions.

Indigo Group will finance these two bolt-on acquisitions with its current liquidity. It amounted to 509 million euros as of June 30, 2021 including 209 million euros of cash and 300 million euros of its undrawn RCF maturing in October 2023. It increased in the second half of 2021 thanks to the strong recovery of the operations in every country and the sale of its 50% stake in LAZ Karp Associates LLC on December 30, 2021.

INDIGO: opening space for peaceful city motion


Indigo Group

Analysts / Investors contact:Press contact:
Noe Poyet Benjamin Voron

About reported financial figures

To make its performance easier to understand and to improve its presentation, the Group presents operational figures (revenue, EBITDA, operating income) on a “Global Proportionate” (GP) basis, including the Group's share of joint ventures (mainly in the USA, Colombia, and Smovengo in France) as if they were consolidated proportionately and not under the equity method applied in accordance with IFRS when preparing the consolidated financial statements.

For more information on published financial and operational data, you can click on the following link:

About Indigo Group S.A.

Indigo Group, holding about 100% of Indigo Infra, OPnGO and INDIGO®weel, is a key global player in car parking and urban mobility, that manages c. 1.2 million parking spaces and related services in 11 different countries.

Indigo Group is indirectly held at approximately 47.5% by Crédit Agricole Assurances, 33.2% by Vauban Infrastructure Partners, 14.4% by MEAG, 0.5% in treasury shares and the remainder by its management.


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Note 1: Weighted average residual maturity of infrastructure business based on Global Proportionate normative Free Cash-Flow in 2019, assuming exercise of options for long-term leases with renewal at Covivio's discretion.

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