On 30 January, ICMM will open a commenting period for interested organizations and individuals to provide comments on the updated text of its 2010 Indigenous Peoples and Mining Good Practice Guide. The public consultation period will run from 30 January to 12 March.

This update follows the 2013 publication of ICMM's revised position statement on Indigenous Peoples and Mining which articulates a progressive set of commitments that applies to all ICMM member companies. Like the earlier version of the guide, the draft of the updated guidance document is intended as a good practice resource for mining companies and others with an interest in ensuring that mining projects bring long-term mutual benefits to companies and host communities.

The draft guidance document will be available in English and Spanish. We invite the readers to provide comments in either language via email to gpgfeedback@icmm.com.

While ICMM will give consideration to all comments received, there may be legitimate reasons why we may not be able to incorporate some of them. For example, there is no intention to revisit the commitments in the position statement at this time.

Shortly after the end of the consultation period, a summary of all comments received will be compiled and publicly posted on the ICMM website alongside the current draft. ICMM will list organizations and individuals who have provided comments, but will not attribute individual comments.

If individuals or organizations prefer not to be identified, or not to have their comments included in those publicly posted, we will respect their wishes. If this applies to you, please indicate this in your response. You should also feel free to forward the draft to others within your network for comment.

For more information, please contact us on gpgfeedback@icmm.com.

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