WINNIPEG, Manitoba-- The ICE Futures canola market was narrowly mixed with positive sentiment on Tuesday.

Chicago soyoil and European rapeseed were down, but Malaysian palm oil was higher. Crude oil edged upward after Monday's price hikes. Kurdistan and Iraq have resolved their impasse, and the former will resume oil exports this week.

At midafternoon, the Canadian dollar was down less than one-tenth of a U.S. cent compared with Monday's close.

About 37,312 canola contracts were traded on Tuesday, which compares with Monday when 41,917 contracts changed hands.

Spreading accounted for 23,664 of the contracts traded.

Settlement prices are in Canadian dollars per metric ton.

Canola             Price                  Change 
May                777.30                up 0.90 
Jul                759.70                dn 0.10 
Nov                730.10                up 0.20 
Jan                733.30                up 0.30 

Spread trade prices are in Canadian dollars and the volume represents the number of spreads:

Months             Prices                           Volume 
May/Jul            18.50 over to 16.20          over 8,347 
May/Nov            48.90 over to 45.40            over 546 
Jul/Nov            30.90 over to 29.10          over 2,582 
Jul/Jan            26.80 over to 26.00            over 101 
Nov/Jan             3.00 under to 3.50           under 249 
Jan/Mar             3.60 under to 3.80             under 7 

Source: Commodity News Service Canada,

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

04-04-23 1601ET