NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Let’s face it - 2020 was a year to remember. A pandemic hit us right in the center of our busy lives and changed the way we normally live. From balancing work and family life, avoiding people that led to isolation, and a crippling health fear that was and still is instilled in us, life as we once knew it changed altogether.

Not only did we have to change our routines, but we had to face a barrage of new emotions and feelings that steadily crept up on us. Naturally, the human race fears the unknown. It’s an instinctual fear. We have to know what’s coming next and we don’t like surprises. 2020 didn’t give us any comfort of knowing that things will turn out okay. Lockdown after lockdown, we were forced to face our emotions alone. What’s going to happen next? How will I be affected by this? When will this end? Questions that no one really has definite answers too is a scary feeling and has left millions around the world in the dark.

Finding light

So, how did people find solace in a bustling world filled with health scares and distress? For some who felt alone with their mental state treading on thin ice, turned to professional advisors for advice and inner perspective.

We spoke to 3 people who took matters into their own hands and knew they had to find a source of light and guidance during these trying times. Read on to find out how they managed to turn their life around and keep going in a smooth-sailing manner.

What type of guidance do people seek?

People used the extra time on their hands to also do more introspection and learn more about themselves. With that, many opted not only for advice but also astrology readings so that they could learn more about themselves based on their Zodiac signs. Zodiac signs can give a clear perspective on a person’s emotional state just by looking at how the stars align for them- on a personal level. We all know that Capricorns are intuitive, and Libras are naturally strong-willed, but how do they perform in times of trouble and how can they achieve a better state of mind during hard times?

What exactly are astrology readings?

Astrology readings are not your typical horoscope section one can find in their favorite magazine column. It goes beyond the stereotypical and vague insights that the general population is used to reading. Professional astrologers are able to decipher every single detail of your life from the past to the present and future. How do they do this? While they are well gifted and intuitive in nature, astrologers use several factors and age-old calculations that bring up chapters to your book of life. The date, time, year, and place you were born are important factors when it comes to getting an accurate reading and when it’s done by experts, you can be left surprised as to what details come up in these readings. These types of readings are called astrology natal chart readings and are the best option when you have a reading for the first time. So, how can one find a good astrologer? Finding the best astrologers can be tricky but luckily, there are services that round up the creme de la creme and give one a variety of tried and tested astrologers to choose from.

Where to start?

Thanks to the pandemic, it isn’t really advisable to go out and physically get a reading with an astrologer who may or may not possess the skills to give you accuracy. Turning to online services is the next best thing. Why? Firstly, you can do this from the comfort of your own home and these experts have had their profiles checked and are known to help people along their journeys (with many 5-star reviews). One of the better known online services that provide advisors on a 24/7 basis is Kasamba. Kasamba has an app service that offers readings and forecasts to their users who need answers and comfort in times where they feel lost and don’t know what will happen next. We spoke to 3 users who have had tremendous break-throughs and guidance whilst using this service and chatting to Kasamba’s Astrologers.

First- hand experiences

Jackie from Oregon, a single mother of two shed some light into her experience: “I am a Cancerian and Cancerians are known for being super emotional. I felt like I was carrying the whole world on my shoulders and I needed guidance from an astrologist who could identify these feelings and guide me to a better place where I could cope better. There was nothing I could do to change the world, but I had the power to change myself.”

Emanuelle from Spain adds further insights stating: “I needed someone to hear me out and give me some sort of hope for the near future. I lost my job, and I didn’t know what my financial situation would look like. Luckily, my astrologer Nancy was able to give me an in-depth reading and gave me great advice according to my Zodiac Sign.”

Marie from France, a young, single and career-driven woman adds: “The pandemic put a halt to dating. I found it almost impossible to meet someone and I kind of started feeling hopeless and desperate. When I got an Astrology Reading by one of Kasamba’s top astrologers, I was told to relax and take this time to focus on myself because soon I’d find a long-term relationship. My astrologer was right because towards the end of the year, I met someone through a mutual friend, and it looks pretty serious.”


Finding inner peace is the best thing you can do for yourself during this global shift. While you may not be able to change the world, you do have the power from within to change your immediate surroundings and mindset and the best way to do this is to seek guidance on a spiritual realm, so that you can unlock insights about yourself, your life, and loved ones.

Contact: Santiago Rosen | Kasamba, Inc. | 972-74-700-4370 | 

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