Hand On Ear Entertainment Inc? has announced the release of Chicago-based Voice Over Artist David J Height's new and provocative voice over demos.

David J Height, Chicago based Voice Over Artist with Hand On Ear Entertainment announces new voice o ...

David J Height, Chicago based Voice Over Artist with Hand On Ear Entertainment announces new voice over demos. (Photo: Business Wire)

The entertainment company describes David's resonant baritone voice as easy to listen to exciting and memorable. His repertoire includes narrations, commercials and taglines covering areas of expertise such as consumer products, legal, aviation, business and medical.

David describes his personal recording philosophy as "Vi et Animo" (with Heart and Soul).

Height continues his voice over acting studies under Brian Boden at the award winning "Boden Works Ltd." located in Chicago, Illinois.

He is represented in the Chicago Market by: "Talent Group Inc", Jaimese Lewis, Talent Agent.

About David J. Height

David has degrees in Business and Economics from Regis University, Denver, Colorado, a Doctorate of Law and an FAA issued Pilot's License.

David J Height, truly a renaissance man has founded and led several international companies. He has been a guest columnist for the Powerful Thoughts section of "No Strings Attached Enews" and is a seasoned and experienced international traveler for both business and pleasure.

His interests include Aviation, Economics, Business, Ancient and European History, Domestic and International Politics, Reading, Music and International Travel.

He is a native of Los Angeles, California however David and his family have called Chicago home for many years.

For more information about David please visit his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/handonear

Hand On Ear Entertainment Inc? information visit http://handonearentertainment.com

Talent Group Chicago Inc
Jaimese Lewis, (773) 728 2288