Great Western Oil & Gas Company, an affiliate of The Broe Group with active operations in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado, voluntary requested a hold on the permit application for its Pace drilling project in Windsor, CO pending review of well siting alternatives. The company is working in consultation with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, the Town of Windsor and other stakeholders to reduce the number of wells at the Pace site and mitigate other potential issues related to the project. The company expects to make additional announcements on the project this quarter.

“Since filing for a permit, we have met with many stakeholders, including the Town of Windsor and homeowners, to solicit feedback and input regarding our proposed Pace project. The company has already adopted many advanced best management practices to mitigate neighborhood impacts, and will maintain the stakeholder dialog as we move forward with our re-evaluation of the project,” said Rich Frommer, President and CEO of Great Western Oil & Gas.

Despite substantial additional expense and technical challenges, Great Western Oil & Gas is actively pursuing a plan that would significantly reduce the number of wells at the Pace location, which would also reduce the number of tanks. Additionally, the company continues to be committed to a pipeline project from the Pace pad that would greatly reduce truck traffic and the amount of tanks needed on the site.

“Our top priority is to be a trusted partner and good neighbor in the Windsor community. We have heard from residents and government leaders, and are committed to exploring an alternative plan that addresses the issues and concerns raised,” said Frommer.

About Great Western Oil & Gas Company, LLC

Great Western Oil & Gas Company, LLC (GWOG) is a Denver-based independent exploration and production company with active operations in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado. GWOG’s $1 billion program includes 250 drilled and operating wells, producing nearly 2,200 barrels of oil equivalent per day. GWOG is ranked as a Top 100 driller in the United States and the ninth producer in Wattenberg Field in Colorado. Learn more or contact us at