OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Jan 21, 2015) - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Today, the Government of Canada released its second annual Scorecard Report on its efforts to cut regulatory red tape for Canadian businesses. The report is being released during Red Tape Awareness Week™, held annually by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.

The 2013-14 Scorecard indicates that, after two years of implementing the Red Tape Reduction Action Plan's systemic reforms, progress is clearly on track. These reforms are saving businesses time, money, and frustration by eliminating unnecessary red tape. The Scorecard shows that regulatory red tape is being controlled and that the systemic reforms have been integrated into the day-to-day operations of the federal regulatory system.

The external Regulatory Advisory Committee, tasked with reviewing the Scorecard, has endorsed it as a fair and reliable account of the progress made.

Quick Facts

  • The Scorecard provides an overview of the progress made in implementing the Red Tape Reduction Action Plan's systemic reforms during the 2013-14 fiscal year.

  • The mandate of the Regulatory Advisory Committee, which is composed of external experts from business and a consumer group, is to review the Government's progress on the Action Plan's systemic reforms as reported in the Scorecard.

  • The Scorecard is published annually by the President of the Treasury Board. The Scorecard and the Committee's views on the federal government's progress are also provided to the Auditor General each year.


"We are seeing real progress in eliminating unnecessary rules and administrative requirements that have been a source of frustration for Canadian businesses and entrepreneurs across the country, while maintaining high standards for the protection of health and safety. More than ever, federal regulators are doing what it takes to ensure that each new regulation is necessary and easy to understand, and that its administrative requirements are tracked and reported. The results in our 2013-14 Scorecard support the Government's commitment to strengthen transparency and accountability. They also show that these reforms have traction and are being integrated in the day-to-day operations of federal regulators."

Tony Clement, President of the Treasury Board

"The federal government is showing tremendous leadership in implementing its ambitious red tape reforms. Wrestling with reducing red tape requires the 'stick-to-itiveness' and political leadership that we are seeing from Ottawa. It's heartening that the messages that we are getting from the Prime Minister, Minister Clement, and their colleagues that they are in this for the long haul."

Laura Jones, Executive Vice-President, Canadian Federation of Independent Business

"We applaud the federal government's early accomplishments in reducing red tape barriers faced by Canadian entrepreneurs and business owners. The government's reiterated commitment to a sustained approach over the long-term is encouraging. A persistent approach is the remedy required to identify and develop solutions to effectively reduce the compliance burdens and associated costs faced by Canada's business community."

Kevin Dancey, President and CEO, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

Related Products

- The 2013-14 Scorecard Report: Implementing the Red Tape Reduction Action Plan

- Red Tape Reduction Action Plan

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