HOUSTON, Jan. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- A recent Stanford study says that spending time on social media, web browsing and multitasking is leading to poor cognitive skills among professionals. It cites that today's managers have become "suckers for irrelevancy." Distractions causing cognitive overload are more pervasive than ever and divert attention on top of an already overwhelming communication tool like email.

It's estimated that we spend about 28 percent of worktime managing email. The typical CEO gets about 200 to 300 emails per day. The sheer volume blurs focus, which is a key factor for productivity, and costs companies billions. Google understood this back when it created the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute in 2007. Now professionals in Houston can benefit from the principles and approach the tech giant pioneered with a two-day program on March 24th-25(th), 2016 at Asia Society Texas Center.

The institute is based on the best-selling book "Search Inside Yourself" (SIY) by Google engineer and co-founder Chade Meng whose movement took off at Google. Meng uses the latest neuroscience research to focus attention and mindfulness while building core emotional intelligence skills needed for effective leadership in the digital age. Meng believes that having emotional intelligence is more important than having a high intelligence quotient in the workplace: self-awareness, altruism, personal mastery and empathy, which help you to understand your colleague's motivations.

"Houston's robust workforce of energy, technology, nonprofit, public sector and healthcare professionals who seek advantages to performing better at work make it the ideal city for this unprecedented program," said Ahmad Khan who helped bring SIY to the city.

More than 2,000 Google engineers have taken the course and it has attracted the world's leading companies beyond Silicon Valley. "Our institute is a globally-recognized training organization that has worked with thousands of senior professionals from companies such as Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Disney, Amazon, Facebook, and more," said Meng. "Today's leadership is about how well we use our minds and our relationships with others. We're inspiring people to use this approach to optimize their performance."

A key goal is for participants to attain cognitive clarity and regain focus. SIY uses the latest in neuroscience research, emotional intelligence development, and mindfulness training so participants can learn how to focus their attention and develop positive mental habits, improve their emotional competencies, and increase their self-awareness and self-management skills.

Dr. Laura Delizonna, an instructor at Stanford University who specializes in the science of happiness and mindfulness, and Simon Moyes, who specializes in helping people practice mindfulness in their modern urban life will lead the programs in Houston.

To register and purchase tickets, go to www.siylihouston.org. SIY is a non-profit institution.

Please contact Chester Jacinto, chester@resultsmadehere.com or Kate Gardiner, kate@rmhmarketing.com with any questions.

About Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute
Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute is globally recognized as a training organization that helps individuals increase their focus, build their mindfulness, and develop the skills they need to lead in the digital age. The organization was founded by Chade Meng, a Google engineer and author of the New York Times Bestseller Search Inside Yourself. The organization is guided by a board that includes such thought leaders as Arianna Huffington and neuroscientist Dr. Richard Davidson.

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SOURCE Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute